Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,363

loved the flush that raced across her cheeks. She didn’t stand a chance if she tried to play with him. Seduction was his middle name and hers was innocence.

“Stop trying to distract me. It won’t work.”

Oh, it was working. She couldn’t look him in the eyes. “May I accompany you on your ride?”

She sighed. “Of course. Why do you think I’m out here in the cold this early in the morning? It will give us a chance to talk without others listening.”

Any time he could grab alone with her, he’d take. “Shall we head for the winter croft?”

“I’ll race you,” and she was off before he’d had time to gather Ghost’s reins. It didn’t matter, her gelding was no match for his stallion. But he wanted her in a good mood, so he held back and let her reach the croft first.

They slowed the horses to a walk, and it amused him when she let out a vast sigh as if the weight of the world sat upon her shoulders. “You let me win.”

“Is that important?”

She shook her head. “No. It’s just sometimes you surprise me.”

They walked in silence for a while. He watched as she chewed on her bottom lip. He wanted to ask what was wrong, but understood she was working through something. Finally, she pulled her horse to a stop and looked over at him.

“Are you here to ask for my hand in marriage?”

He wanted to smile but knew that was the wrong thing to do. She was too serious. “I am.”

She nodded, the lip still being chewed. “Ever since I was a young girl, I knew they would expect me to marry and marry well.” She looked directly at him. “So I made a list.”

“A list?” She was watching him closely.

“The things I’m looking for in a husband.”

This time it was he who moved tentatively in the saddle. What she was looking for in a husband? Why did that unsettle him? To society, he was a perfect catch for any woman. He was a duke, from a very distinguished family. He was wealthy—very wealthy. Women seemed to find him attractive, and he had a reputation as a wonderful lover. Plus, their families were very close.

She continued. “Shall I read what’s on my list?” She didn’t wait for an answer.

He must be kind

He must treat me as an equal partner

He must never take a mistress

“I beg your pardon?” She carried on as if number three was a mere slip.

He must be honest and keep nothing from me

He must have a sense of humor

“Wait, please. A mistress?”

She tipped her bonnet back. “I do believe you are blushing, Blade. A mistress. I assume you know what they are. My brother has one, or is it two? Country and town. Do you have a mistress?”

His face flushed with color and she loved how suddenly he didn’t look like the formidable duke, but instead a tad more vulnerable.

“No.” The word was forced out between clenched teeth.

“Not at the moment or never?” She knew he’d had mistresses. “May I remind you, number four on my list is honesty.”

His answer would help her decide what sort of life she might have with him as her husband. Or if she should even consider his offer.

“I currently do not have a mistress. I would never court a wife with another woman sharing my bed. I am honorable.”

He was honorable, so she believed him. The relief that chased after her doubts was instant. “Would you take a mistress after you marry?”


“What if your wife didn’t wish to share your bed?”

“That would never happen.” The confident smile hit every inch of her body like a velvet glove, stroking her imagination, and the gravelly tone of his words sent heat flaring even in this cold.

Bother. She didn’t or couldn’t parle words with him, not on this topic. He was far too experienced for the likes of her.

“Is that everything on your list?” His question surprised her. “Because if it is, I can confidentially state that I meet every requirement.”

Drat. She wished she knew what else was on his list. “Before I share more, what would be on your list?”

He laughed and the sound made her lips curve up. She loved how open he was with his emotions. She could always tell when he was happy, sad, angry, or that special posturing only dukes portrayed.

“I don’t have a list.” His laughter died as she frowned. “That’s probably not true. I have an image in my head of what I

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