Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,338

one day how very wonderful you are.”

With a nod, he stepped away before he admitted just how much he admired her. And how much he wanted to repeat their kiss.

“What was that all about?” Emma asked with a frown as she approached Lucy.

“Mr. Raybourne was thanking me for assisting with Miss Barnes today.” Lucy’s heart thudded as she watched him cross the room to speak with Viscount Jameson.

Did he really think her special? Wonderful? The idea left her feeling thoroughly unsettled. She told herself that was what a rogue like him would say. Yet that didn’t ring true. Not when he’d said it with such sincerity.

Guilt settled over her like a wet blanket, prickly and uncomfortable, as she turned her attention to Emma. If her cousin found out about the kiss, would she despise Lucy?

“I don’t see why when he’s the one who rescued her.” Emma sighed as her gaze held on Hugh. “I must say that his actions today make him even more appealing. To think he carried her all that way. How strong he is.”

Lucy forced her gaze away from Hugh before she told Emma she was right. Based on the feel of his muscled arm during their kiss, he was very strong, and his actions heroic. But he was not for her. She had Aunt Edith to care for and no room in her life for a man. Their kiss had been a mistake, and she’d take care not to repeat it, especially if Emma was truly interested in him.

“Does that mean you’re still considering him as a suitor?” She studied Emma, wondering if her time with him during the sleigh ride had helped her decide.

Yet part of her couldn’t understand how her cousin could not be besotted by the man. The moment before Hugh’s lips had pressed against hers, her heart had threatened to beat out of her chest. Hadn’t she always thought a woman would know before a kiss whether the act would be special? She’d been right.

Her stomach danced as she relived their time together again, and it was all she could do to keep a polite mask on her face.

“Oh, yes. I believe his actions overtake Mr. Barnes’ by far.” Emma’s gaze slid from Mr. Barnes back to where Hugh and the viscount stood. “Although Viscount Jameson is thoroughly tempting as well. His title makes him so appealing.”

Lucy tightened her lips to keep from sharing her opinion on the topic. A title shouldn’t matter—only the kind of man he was. But title and wealth were two major factors a lady should consider when the subject of marriage arose. A man’s demeanor and good humor were only important if the other factors were met. Marriage was often a business dealing, not a matter of the heart.

“This evening after dinner, we’ll play a few games.” Emma’s smile gave Lucy pause. “It will be great fun and provide a chance for me to get to know the viscount better.”

“What sort of games?” Lucy nearly didn’t want to ask. Emma might say her target was Viscount Jameson, but Lucy had no doubt she’d flirt with whoever was nearby. She almost hoped Aunt Edith would need her so she wouldn’t have to witness Emma flirting with Hugh. Suddenly the days stretched long before Christmas arrived and the party ended.

“Hunt the Slipper.” Emma’s giggle was alarming.

While the game was usually played by children, Lucy could imagine only too well how scandalous it would be with adults since touching was involved. Her cheeks heated at the image of searching for the slipper hidden on a guest’s person, Hugh in particular.

“Will your mother allow it?” Lucy asked, unable to keep a note of disapproval in her voice even if it made her feel quite the spinster.

“With luck, Mother and the other ladies will remain in the drawing room and we will invite the younger, unattached guests to join us in the sitting room.”

“Oh?” Her concern must’ve shown on her face, for Emma frowned.

“Lucy, you’ve been with Aunt Edith too long. You’re becoming too stodgy. We’re only having a bit of fun.”

Lucy gave herself a mental shake. Nothing needed to happen that she didn’t want to happen. What harm could a children’s game cause? She should relax and enjoy the evening.

Yet when her gaze found Hugh, easily imagining searching him for her slipper, her stomach dipped alarmingly.

Soon dinner was served, and she sat beside Viscount Jameson.

“I understand you were quite the heroine today,” the lord said as they waited for the first

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