Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,330

know her, the more he realized she was used to getting her own way with everyone, including Lucy. Emma used her cousin for whatever purpose she needed. That annoyed Hugh in no small measure. Lucy was too nice to her. From what he could tell, Emma never returned the favor, though he supposed he shouldn’t be so quick to judge on such short acquaintance.

Before he realized what he was doing, he walked across the room to join Lucy, Mrs. Waverly, and Miss Barnes.

“Mr. Raybourne, we were just sharing how pleased we are that it’s snowing,” Lucy said as her aunt excused herself and stepped away.

“I confess I’m pleased as well,” he offered. “Quite festive, don’t you think, Miss Barnes?”

“Quite.” The lady blinked several times as a ruddy blush filled her cheeks. She seemed to have a difficult time finding the courage to meet his gaze. The guarded way she acted suggested she feared he’d ravish her while everyone watched.

Her behavior annoyed him, though he couldn’t say why. He supposed he preferred the way Lucy treated him as if she enjoyed their conversations.

“The snow might make our attempt to gather greenery on the morrow more difficult.” He glanced at Lucy, wondering if she’d be able to join in the fun.

“I wonder how much we’ll get,” she said, her brown eyes gleaming with delight.

“Greenery or snow?” he asked, hoping her excitement meant she would indeed be accompanying them.

“Both.” She smiled as she met his gaze and a warm sensation filled him. Did she realize what a gift her smile was?

He chuckled. “I assume you’re hoping for a significant amount.”

“I am.” Her quick admission amused him. “It would be lovely if it snowed several inches. Then we could take the sleighs to the woods. What of you, Miss Barnes? Do you wish it to snow?”

“It would make a special Christmas,” the lady said even as her brow wrinkled. “Though I worry it would make travelling home difficult.”

“We might all be snowed in together until the weather clears.” He said the words jokingly, but the expression of alarm on Miss Barnes’ face suggested she truly feared that might come to pass.

Lucy patted the woman’s arm. “Have no worries. We rarely receive that much snow here, especially this early in the year.”

The lady’s look of relief was comical. As if concerned they’d take offense, she added, “It’s lovely here, of course.”

“You prefer your home though.” Lucy nodded. “That’s a benefit to travelling. It makes one appreciate home all the more, don’t you think?”

“True,” Miss Barnes answered, though her response lacked conviction.

Lucy’s gaze held on something in the distance, but he had the distinct feeling she saw something else entirely. A memory of her own home prior to her parents’ death? He wanted to reach out and squeeze her arm, anything to let her know he was sorry for her loss. To lose both her mother and father at such a tender age must’ve been terribly difficult.

“What of you, Mr. Raybourne?” Lucy brought her attention back to the conversation. “Are you anxious to return to London?”

“Not especially.” His apartment served as a comfortable place to live but little else. Graham, his eldest brother, and his wife would be celebrating the holiday with her family. Thomas and his new wife would do the same. Hugh would’ve been an extra no matter who he spent it with. “Though I would hate to wear out my welcome here. How is Mrs. Penrose feeling this evening?”

“She’s well, though a bit out of sorts at being in a strange place with a different routine. She prefers her own home and schedule.” Her quiet yet wistful smile said so much. She exhibited endless patience with the demands of both her aunt and her cousin.

He was beginning to see her many admirable traits as she once again changed the topic with the hope of drawing out Miss Barnes.

As the two women spoke, he glanced over to where Emma and Barnes conversed. Emma batted her eyes at something he said, making Hugh wonder how often she’d done that to him without him realizing it. The movement as well as her expression seemed contrived from this distance. He’d have to pay closer attention next time he was with her.

“Were you speaking about the snow?” Viscount Jameson asked as he joined them, his gaze holding on Miss Barnes.

Was there something between the pair, Hugh wondered? That would be ideal as it would leave more time for Hugh to spend with Emma. Yet when the viscount’s gaze

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