Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,304

would do with the information obtained? First, Tobias needed to speak to Anne−alone!−and find out where her heart was.

If it beat for him…or not.

If she’d merely been taken with her first−or second−kiss…or if she felt that awareness between them as well.

Tobias could only hope that she did, for he could not bear the thought of losing her to another.

At least, it seemed that Lord Gillingham did not hold her favor. That was encouraging!

Chapter Ten ~ A Blind Fool…

Louisa’s hand felt like an iron vice around her arm as she dragged Anne back down the corridor toward their chambers. Just as she pushed open the door, Leonora came rushing around the opposite corner. Upon spotting them, her eyes widened, and she quickened her step, hastening to their side. “Oh, you found her!” Her gaze moved to Anne. “Are you all right? We were quite worried when we found you gone this morning.”

Shooing them all into her chamber, Louisa then closed the door. “I found her with Gillingham under some mistletoe,” she snapped, open disapproval in her voice. “I knew that man was up to something.”

Leonora’s jaw dropped. “Did he kiss you?”

“I−” Anne began; however, she didn’t get any further.

“I do believe I got there just in time,” Louisa rushed to say, and her blue eyes swiveled to Anne. “Didn’t I?”

Anne nodded. “You did. Thank you.” A grateful smile came to her lips, for after kissing Tobias, the last thing she would have wanted to do had been to share a mistletoe kiss with Lord Gillingham.

Louisa patted Anne’s shoulder reassuringly before she began to pace the length of the room, her eyes moving fast as words poured from her mouth. “What happened proves that you were right about Lord Gillingham. He clearly has certain intentions toward you.” Her gaze rose to meet Anne’s. “And that means that you’ll need to make up your mind about our dear Mr. Hawke.”

The mere mention of Tobias brought a flutter to Anne’s stomach, and she couldn’t help a deep smile from spreading over her face.

Instantly, Louisa’s eyes narrowed. “What happened?” she asked, hopeful suspicion in her voice that made Leonora turn and look at Anne with renewed interest.

Anne sighed contentedly. “He kissed me.”

“Lord Gillingham?” Leonora asked, her eyes going wide. “But I thought you said−”

“Not him!” Louisa interrupted with a wide grin. “She’s talking about our dear Mr. Hawke.”

Leonora clasped her hands together. “He kissed you? How? Why? When? Where?”

Anne nodded, loving her cousins for their excitement.

Louisa put a finger to her lips. “I’d say, when and where are easy: a few minutes ago, in the library, am I not right?” Biting her lower lip, Anne nodded. “How? Well, judging from the look on your face, I think it’s safe to assume that this kiss went significantly better than the last.” Anne felt her face turn as red as a tomato. “Then, there is the question of why?” Louisa took a step toward Anne. “Why did he kiss you?”

Needing a bit of space, Anne ventured over to the window and looked down at the frozen grounds. “He found me in the library, and I apologized for our kiss. I told him that…it had been my first and−”

“Your first?” Louisa exclaimed, and as Anne turned to look at her over her shoulder, she found her cousin’s eyes as round as plates. “Well, that certainly explains yesterday’s disaster.”

A weak breath shuddered past Anne’s lips as the word reminded her of the moment she’d shared with Tobias only moments ago. Still, she could not deny that there was a bit of a dark cloud hanging over that precious moment. Why had Tobias kissed her? Why indeed?

Sighing, Anne turned to look at her cousins. “I don’t know why he kissed me. I was so nervous, but then suddenly, it felt like…us again.” Her gaze moved from Louisa to Leonora. “Do you think he only kissed me to make amends for that awkward mistletoe kiss? Because he knew that it had been my first? Did he feel guilty? Did he pity me?” The thought made her insides twist and turn.

Louisa chuckled, “You know I love you, do you not?” she asked as she stepped forward and grasped Anne’s hands.

Anne nodded.

“Therefore, saying this hurts me more than it hurts you, but it must be said.” Louisa inhaled a bit of an overly dramatic breath and then met Anne’s gaze head-on. “You’re a fool.”

Anne stilled. “Pardon me?”

“Well, it’s either that or you’re blind.” She lifted a hand and held it up to Anne’s

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