Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,299

heaved a deep breath. “I know,” she whispered, wishing she’d had the courage to throw herself out of the moving carriage when she’d had the chance.

Unable to bear the snickers a moment longer, Tobias disappeared through the side entrance, wanting nothing more but to put as much distance as possible between himself and those who’d witnessed the moment of his greatest humiliation.

Still, he couldn’t fault them for whispering. If the kiss had looked as awful as it had felt, then he should consider himself fortunate that people hadn’t broken down laughing so hard their sides ached and tears streamed down their faces.

Indeed, this couldn’t have gone worse.

Raking his hands through his hair, Tobias spun around when he heard footsteps echoing up from behind him.

“What the hell was that?” Phin asked chuckling as he moved closer with large strides. “For it sure as hell didn’t look like a kiss.”

Hanging his head, Tobias let himself fall back against the wall. “You saw?”

His brother laughed, “I can’t explain it,” he replied with a mocking tone. “Something called to me, and I walked in the door the moment your noses collided.” He laughed again. “I’m afraid to ask, but…you’ve done this before, haven’t you?”

Heaving a deep breath, Tobias glared at his brother. “Are you only here to mock me?”

Phineas shrugged, a wide grin still on his face. “That, and to ensure you don’t turn and run.”

“What else would you have me do?” Tobias asked, unable to forget the tense look on Anne’s face.

Leaning against the opposite wall, Phineas looked at him. “Well, as they say, if at first you don’t succeed, try again.” His brows rose with meaningful innuendo.

Tobias scoffed, “Are you mad? Did you not see the look of horror on her face? She didn’t want this!” He shook his head in utter disbelief. “It seems reasonable to assume that it was Lady Louisa who cooked up this plan. That’s why she came looking for me. That’s why she used that pretext to push me under the mistletoe with Anne.” He ran his hands over his face. “It was her doing, not Anne’s. Anne never wanted this.”

Phineas chuckled, “I admit I suspected something when she suddenly sought you out.”

“Then why didn’t you warn me?”

His brother shrugged. “More fun this way.”

Tobias’s teeth ground together in barely restrained anger. “You should leave,” he hissed, pushing off the wall and proceeding farther down the corridor.

Undeterred, Phineas followed. “What makes you so certain our little Annie didn’t want to kiss you?”

Tobias’s feet jerked to a halt. “How can you ask that?” His eyes swept his brother’s face. “I thought you saw. I even told her she was free to…refuse,” again, he ran a hand over his face, remembering the slight tremor that had run through her, “but she said that her cousin would never forgive her if she did. It was Lady Louisa’s plan, and Anne did not give her consent. There? Is that answer enough?”

Sighing, Phineas grasped his brother’s shoulders, his dark eyes seeking his. “And did you not wonder why my dear Lulu would cook up such a plan? Why she would force the two of you to kiss?” His brows rose, his eyes watchful, waiting for an answer.

Tobias was stumped. “I…”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, dear Brother,” Phin began in that rather condescending way of his, “but Anne and her cousins are fairly close, aren’t they? They care for one another. Correct?” Phin’s brows rose, demanding his brother acknowledge the truthfulness of his words.

Tobias nodded.

“Now, would you then consider it reasonable that my dear Lulu did what she did to spite Anne? To see her humiliated? To force her to do something she despises?”

Tobias cringed at his brother’s words; still, the logic behind them gave him hope. “You think…?”

Phin nodded. “Our little Annie cares for you, and in my humble opinion, she is just as worried that you might not care for her as you are that she doesn’t care for you.” He rolled his eyes. “If you ask me, it’s all fairly obvious. However, since you’ve been rather blind as of late with regard to these matters, I’ll spell it out for you.”

Tobias shrugged off his brother’s hands. “Do you have to be such an ass?”

“Is that any way to speak to a man who’s trying to help you?” Clucking his tongue, Phin shook his head.

Tobias heaved a deep sigh, willing himself to remain calm.

“Now, the only reasonable explanation for Lulu’s plan is that she knows Anne cares for you, and she’s just

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