Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,297

Seven ~ An Almost Perfect Plan

For the first time in her life, Anne was certain she was about to faint.

Bright spots danced before her eyes, and the room appeared rather unsteady, spinning in lazy circles, as she tried her best to focus her attention on the man standing in front of her.


Her childhood friend.

A man she’d loved all her life.

A man who suddenly managed to make her insides dance and jump and do somersaults whenever he drew near. Was that why her heart was racing as though the devil himself were after her? Was that why she couldn’t seem to draw a deep breath into her lungs? Perhaps, the dizziness was of her own making. Perhaps, she simply ought to…

No, there was nothing simple. There was only Louisa’s insane plan and that small little voice deep inside, urging Anne…closer.

Because, yes, she wanted this kiss.

More than she had realized.

Still, excited whispers from the guests watching them with rapt attention echoed to her ears and sent a cold shiver down Anne’s back. It was, however, the look of reluctance as well as distaste on Tobias’s face that made her want to run from the room. For despite her cousin’s conviction as to their compatibility, he did not want this.

When he’d first stepped up to her, Tobias had looked confused and utterly blindsided. Then Louisa’s joyous exclamation had drawn his attention to the sprig of mistletoe above their heads. Anne could still recall the way his eyes had widened. The way his jaw had tensed. She’d watched him through lowered lashes, afraid of what she might see.

And her fears had been justified.

Still, Anne had been unable to grant him a way out when he’d told her she had every right to refuse. Selfishly, she still wanted him.

Wanted this.

And so, she’d hidden behind Louisa, forcing his hand, for he would not abandon her. He would not walk away despite his own objection and shame her. After all, he was her friend.

Anne’s hands were still clenched around one another, held in front of her as though to ward him off, when Tobias moved closer, bridging the small gap still between them. His gaze was unsteady, and a muscle in his jaw moved, clenching and unclenching.

Her breath caught in her throat when his right hand settled on her own, warm and comforting. Her gaze rose and met his, finding his familiar chocolate-brown eyes looking down into hers. “I’m sorry,” he whispered before he lowered his head to hers.

Anne felt like the worst friend in the world for forcing him into this situation. She’d only thought of herself, her own heart, her own fears, neglecting to contemplate how Louisa’s plan would affect Tobias.

Do it fast and be done with it! Her mind urged. Perhaps then it won’t be so bad.

Lifting her head, Anne pinched her eyes shut and…felt the tip of her nose collide with his. His hand on hers tensed, and she could hear a soft snicker from somewhere behind him. Her eyes fluttered open a fraction, and she could see him angle his head, his lips taut. Undoubtedly, he’d heard that snicker as well.

Had there ever been a worse kiss in history?

And they hadn’t even kissed yet.

Determined to see this done, Anne leaned closer. Unfortunately, Tobias seemed to have the same idea.

Once again, their noses collided before she felt his lips briefly brush the corner of her mouth.

It sent a jolt of awareness through her, but it was far from the kiss she’d been hoping for ever since Louisa had first spoken of this ludicrous idea.

Restrained laughter erupted around them as the assembled guests offered a round of applause. Both their eyes flew open, and Anne could see embarrassment darkening Tobias’s face. His jaw clenched as his gaze dropped from hers in what she could only think of as resentment. Oh, what had she done?

“I’m so sorry,” Anne whispered as her eyes swept the small crowd around them. Most had turned away, whispering on the quiet to one another about the worst mistletoe kiss of all times.

Only the suddenly wide-awake face of her cousins’ grandmother held a measure of sympathy as she watched them from her seat near the fireplace. Oh, why couldn’t at least she have slept through this disaster!

“That looked…interesting,” Louisa commented with a rather contrite look on her face as she stepped up to them and pulled Anne’s arm through the crook of hers. “Excuse us.” She cast Tobias an apologetic smile and then pulled Anne out of the room. “What on

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