Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,268

he said.

How had Lord Kington used her love affair against her? And what had Baron Ruthin uncovered in London? A sense of dread settled over Wister.

“Have you ever wondered why you have been unsuccessful in gaining a new position as a lady’s companion? Why every application you ever sent has come back as a rejection?”

Her anxiety rose ever higher. These were questions Wister had mulled over in her mind in the past but had never quite got clear. “Of course, I have thought about why no one has wanted me. I just assumed that without a reference from Lord Kington or better social connections, people decided I wasn’t suitable,” she replied.

He shook his head. “It wasn’t anything you’ve done. George Weld used to give your letters of application to Lord Kington. He in turn would write to prospective employers and tell them that you were not suitable. I have seen one of his letters, and it seems he was more than happy to let others know that he considered you a fallen woman.”

Wister flinched and pulled away. The words struck at her the same as if a fist had landed a heavy blow. Rhys stepped forward but she held up her hand, fending him off. Her heart was thumping hard. How could Lord Kington have done such a thing?

“Please, I don’t want to be touched. In fact, I think I might well be ill.”

Lord Kington had deliberately laid waste to her plans to leave. He had kept her here, made her a virtual prisoner.

Rhys stuffed his hands into the pockets of his coat. “I spoke to George a little while ago. Confronted him and he confirmed my suspicions that Lord Kington had intercepted your correspondence. Mister Weld will be coming to see you today to apologize. He knows full well that if he doesn’t and I have to go back to the Royal Oak to remind him, that I won’t show mercy.”

When Rhys made a second attempt to move toward her, Wister stepped back again. If she let him wrap his strong arms around her, she would crumble. The utter sense of betrayal was the worst pain she had known since the death of her parents. How could George have been a party to such a terrible deception? A man she had thought a friend.

“I am going to go into the house now and start my chores,” she said.

She headed toward the door. Her need to run inside, lock herself away in her room, and let the tears come, was stopped only by the concern that if she did start to cry, she may never stop.

Chapter Fifteen

Rhys was in two minds. Did he go after her, or did he march into the village and find George Weld again? He feared what he might do if he did walk out the front gate of Kington House.

The sight of the Royal Oak innkeeper making his way up the laneway had Rhys sighing with relief. Whether George was here through fear or a genuine sense of remorse, he didn’t really care. Wister deserved justice and he would see she got it.

Rhys stood and waited, slowly curling and uncurling his hands into fists. He was not a man of violence, but the thought of what this man and Lord Kington had done to Wister made him question himself.

“Lord Carno.” George got to within a yard or so of Rhys and dipped into a low bow. The expression on his face couldn’t be described as anything other than shame.

Good. You are finally beginning to comprehend the evil you have done.

“Mister Weld, I take it you have come to see Miss York?”

George gave a brief nod. He retrieved a letter from out of his coat pocket and offered it to Rhys. “This came in the mail sack this morning.”

Rhys took the official-looking note and glanced at it briefly before pointing toward the house. “Miss York is inside. I suggest you knock at the door and speak to Polly. I have just explained the way of things to Miss York, so your visit is most timely. Hopefully she will see you.”

“And if she won’t?”

He gritted his teeth at the hint of hope in the innkeeper’s voice. The man was a fool if he thought he was going to get off that lightly. “Then you will come back here every day until Miss York is prepared to hear your apology. Until that time, you and I still have a major problem. Have I made myself crystal clear, Mister

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