Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,253

of red wine. They had made a thorough search of Lord Kington’s study and private rooms but not found a single drop of whisky or brandy. Any delight they had in discovering the bottle of red wine had quickly dissipated as soon as it was opened.

“Speaking of bloody horrible, I don’t think I can finish this,” said Deri. He screwed up his face and set the glass down on a side table. Things had to be really bad for a house to not have at least one decent bottle of wine in the cellar.

Rhys wandered over to the window and looked out at the orchard and the fast fading light of the early evening. “Tomorrow I shall ride into the village and see what the local store and tavern can offer in the way of wine and vittles. We need supplies.”

If he was going to remain at Kington House for Christmas, the cellar would need to be restocked. He made a mental note to write to his wine merchant in London and have several crates of good French reds delivered.

“Of course, you could ask your estate manager if there is any booze around the place. She seems handy enough,” offered Deri.

Rhys shot him a warning look. Miss York had done a decent job in rustling up a midday meal for them, but he didn’t want her to get too comfortable with him. Chances were, he was going to be asking for her resignation very soon. She was easy on the eye, he could admit to that, but her good looks wouldn’t help to solve his immediate problem—that being the terrible state of Kington House’s bank balance.

No. They would have to make do for tonight and then come to some arrangement with a local supplier who could offer favorable terms of credit in order for them to quickly have something decent to drink.

Rhys peered out at the apple trees. There were still a few leaves on the topmost branches of some trees. The rest lay scattered about the orchard floor.

I wonder when the first snow will fall. It can’t be far off if the chill winds are any indication.

Deri rose from his chair and came to Rhys’s side. “Don’t trouble yourself about getting anything for me. I won’t be staying. I have decided to travel on to London tomorrow morning. The weather might close in and I wouldn’t want to be on the road if it did.”

Rhys sighed. “I thought you might stay on for a few days at least. Or did you suddenly become possessed of the burning need to see Miss Gerald?”

The prospect of being here on his own was not particularly appealing. Rhys raised an eyebrow as a sheepish look appeared on his cousin’s face.

“Out with it, man. I can see you are like the cat that got the cream,” said Rhys.

Deri grinned. “I wasn’t just intending to see Sophie when I head to London. The relationship is more serious than I had led you to believe in Carno.”

“And?” replied Rhys, raising both eyebrows.

Deri broke into a soft chuckle. “And I am planning to ask her to marry me. I thought I could manage a few days here, but it’s killing me. If I don’t hightail it to London and propose to her, I shall go mad. I know it’s terrible of me to abandon you to the charming Miss York, but it has to be done.”

This was the most excellent of news. Deri had always wanted a wife and a brood of children. “I am beyond happy for you, and never let it be said that I stood in Cupid’s way. I just hope the poor unfortunate girl has the good sense to accept.”

“I have already confessed my affections, and the letter I received from Sophie just before we left Carno confirmed that she feels the same way about me. With luck, we will be wed early in the new year,” replied Deri.

Rhys clapped him on the back, then took one look at the mostly full bottle of wine. This was a moment for celebration. “Come on. Let’s get our coats. We can walk into the village and have a pint or two and some supper at the Royal Oak Inn. Your future happiness should not be toasted with gnat’s piss.”

He was truly happy for his cousin and would dance long at his wedding. If only his own problems could be so easily overcome. As the owner of two near-bankrupt estates, he wasn’t exactly a prize catch.


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