Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,245

gone. “Thank you for speaking with Priscilla. This is a gift I will cherish forever. I love it almost as much as I love you.”

And then she kissed him, the man at the center of her world.

The End

About Samantha Grace

USA Today bestselling author Samantha Grace’s storytelling has received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and critical acclaim from Booklist and Library Journal. She has written over fifteen Regency historical romance books and enjoys using her degree in behavioral psychology to create engaging, multidimensional characters. Her novel IN BED WITH A ROGUE earned her a RITA nomination, and LORD MARGRAVE’S SECRET DESIRE was nominated for a RONE award. A lifelong romantic, Samantha first caught a case of the warm fuzzies while watching Disney’s animated version of Robin Hood at age four. She has never looked for a cure. Samantha lives in Wisconsin with her real life hero, daughter, and Holo the Husky.

You can find details of her work at


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~ A London Lords Novella ~



One ruined castle. Two lonely souls. A chance for love.

With little more than a ruined castle in Wales and a title to his name, socially awkward, Rhys Morgan is finding it hard to secure himself a wife.

When he unexpectedly inherits an English estate, Rhys hopes that all his problems might finally be solved.

But not only is Kington House a rundown disaster, he is shocked to discover it is being managed by a woman!

Wister York has been stuck at Kington House for three years. With no money and no prospects, her greatest fear is that when the mysterious Lord Carno arrives, he will throw her out.

But Rhys, is nothing like what she had been expecting. The shaggy Welsh baron sets her pulse racing and stirs within her deep desires.

Rhys in turn is fascinated by the dark-haired temptress. Feisty and clever Wister is like no woman he has ever met. When she is near him, he can barely think straight.

Passion and steamy temptation soon burn between these two lonely souls.

In the snowy ruins of Carno Castle, Rhys and Wister will have to overcome their pasts in order to secure a chance for love.

Chapter One

Carno Castle


The carriage finally disappeared over the hill and was lost from sight. Rhys Morgan, Baron Carno, swore quietly under his breath before turning away from the window of his study.

Two. Two valets had quit his employ in the past six months—three if you counted this latest one. But he hadn’t even bothered to set foot inside Carno Castle. Instead, the man had merely taken one look at the semi-ruin and got promptly back into his travel coach and departed.

“You are having a bit of a bad run when it comes to servants. Anyone would think you might take it personally.”

He gifted his cousin and best friend, Deri Hughes, Baron Ruthin, the merest hint of a tight smile. “Thank you for stating the bleeding obvious. I really appreciate it.”

Deri chuckled. “Oh, come now. We both know that the wilds of Carno are not for everyone. It takes a rare man to appreciate the foreboding mountains and almost constant rain.”

“Not helping,” replied Rhys.

Deri set down his glass of whisky and rose from his chair by the fire. “Perhaps you need to place an advertisement in the London papers seeking a valet who likes wintery climes. One who doesn’t mind a spot of weather. Did I mention that it rains here a lot?”

They were in Wales—of course it rained. It wasn’t his fault that potential valets couldn’t see the rugged beauty of a Welsh winter. People could say what they liked, but this place was in his blood. Rhys Morgan was a son of the land of Saint David.

Gallai fod yn oer ond dwi'n caru'r wlad hon.

Rhys scrubbed at the rough beard on his chin. The prospect of wielding the cutthroat razor once more made him shudder. Under his two-week old growth were a disappointing number of self-inflicted nicks and cuts. “It’s not my fault if these soft Englishmen cannot handle a spot of weather. It doesn’t rain here every day.”

Deri put an arm around his shoulder and softly chuckled. “Carno average annual rainfall—fifty-five inches. You do know this was the place were Noah practiced building his ark before the great flood? And considering the current length of your beard, you could easily pass for him.”

Rhys grimaced. Carno Castle had been built in the thirteenth century right in the middle of an area hotly contested by several would-be kings. Many a bloody battle

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