Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,199

heart lightened by the thought of ensuring Desmond's future happiness.

"I swear you are fidgeting more than the children," Beatrice said.

Lorelei clasped her hands piously in her lap. "I was merely adjusting my gloves—"

"And your bonnet, and the buttons of your pelisse, and a stray tendril of hair," her sister teased. "Why are you so nervous?"

She came close to confessing she was anxious about seeing Desmond's family. She would have declined the invitation, had he not insisted his mother was eager to have young children in the house again. It would have been churlish to refuse her, and Caroline and Henry would have been so disappointed.

Yet it all seemed too momentous. How could she continue to believe her brief affair with Desmond was simply that, when he was including their families, expanding the number of people she would likely disappoint when she called an end to their holiday amour?

"I am not nervous," she fibbed, pasting a big smile on her face.

Her sister gave her a mock glare.

"Fine, I am nervous at the thought of meeting his family. It has been a long while since I have done something similar, and I am a bit out of practice."

"It is a simple holiday gathering, not a prelude to a marriage settlement. Though if that is required," Beatrice added with a grin, "I will be happy to assist with the negotiations."

Lorelei did not have a chance to reply, for they were turning onto a long gravel driveway, heading towards Mayfield Manor.

"Mama, is that where we are going?" Caroline's eyes were wide with amazement.

"Yes, it is."

"I want to live there!" Henry exclaimed.

"I do, too!" Caroline added.

"Let's not pack our valises just yet," Lorelei said with a laugh. "Or at least wait until you have been introduced to the Mayfield family."

Her words fell on deaf ears, for the children were making all sorts of fantastical plans, merely from seeing the outside of the building. She had to admit it was impressive. It was likely hundreds of years old, the stone face a lovely golden color, the entire thing sitting in the midst of rolling hills. It was meant to display wealth, yet it also exuded stability, and longevity, and family.

She did not allow herself to ponder that. They were at the front door, the carriage Desmond had sent for them slowing and then drawing to a halt. Desmond was waiting. A smile brightened his face as he opened the carriage door.

"Welcome! We have been waiting impatiently for your arrival."

"We have been waiting too," Caroline said. She launched herself from the carriage, and Desmond quickly caught her and swung her around before setting the squealing child on her feet.

"It is my turn now!" Henry leapt, as if he had been ordered to abandon ship, yet Desmond was prepared. He tossed the boy into the air and caught him deftly, grinning as Henry cackled gleefully.

"Mama, are you going to jump, too?"

"I do not think I will." Beatrice stepped down from the carriage, carefully placing her foot on the step, and then making her way to where her children stood. "But maybe Auntie will."

Lorelei narrowed her eyes at her sister, but it had no effect, especially since the fiend joined with the children, chanting, "Yes, yes, yes!"

Desmond stepped closer to the carriage door. "How would you prefer I catch you?"

"Preferably in such a way that I do not tumble to the ground," she laughed.

"I can promise that will not happen. After all," his eyes gleamed with mischief, "though I have not had a lesson, not a single one, I do practice every day."

She burst into laughter. His playful manner always warmed her heart, and today it inspired her to toss her fears aside as well.

She placed her hands on each side of the open door. "You have the better of me then, for I have not practiced alighting from a carriage like this. I shall likely screech the entire way."

He grinned. "We had planned the musicale for later this evening, but we can rearrange the schedule to accommodate you." He wriggled his fingers. "I am ready."

It was not supposed to be a momentous occasion. Yet it was hard not to view it that way. Desmond was asking for her trust, and she was taking a leap of faith, believing in his ability to keep her from a precipitous fall.

Lorelei gave her head a little shake. She removed her hands from the doorway, and jumped. She was in Desmond's arms in an instant, clasping her hands around his neck, while

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