Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,196

marriage held up as the paragon of a love story. It seems mythically unattainable at times, so I often wonder what others experience when they plight their troth."

Lorelei was fascinated by his answer. It made her confess more than she normally would have. "I wonder if my lack of wedded bliss was due to my expectations of a love story such as you describe."

"I hope you were not miserable."

"No, it was never anything but bland. It almost seemed that once I had pledged my future to him, my husband lost interest." She laughed at the comical look of shock on Desmond's face. "It is true. Granted, it took a few months, but then we settled into this routine of pleasantly describing our plans for the day, and once we carried them out, pleasantly describing them to each other at dinner."

Desmond looked completely horrified. "I cannot imagine wasting my time with you in such a fashion."

His words seemed so genuine that it was tempting to let herself believe he might always feel that way. But experience had taught her well, and she refused to learn that painful lesson twice.

It was best to enjoy the brief time with Desmond she had allotted herself, and, since it was speeding along, there was not a moment to squander. Yet she could not permit him to believe there was any future for this affair.

"Desire must come to an end, I suppose. And when it does?? She shrugged.

"Perhaps there are people who suffer from a deficiency of desire, and you had the misfortune of encountering one of them."

"A deficiency of desire?" she laughed. "You make it seem as though it is similar to a lack of nutrients."

"It is." He gave her a kiss. "And then there are those, you and I in particular, who have so much desire, the ancients decreed the hanging of ivy in a vain attempt to cure our affliction."

"You may have a point," she said. "I think a demonstration might prove useful, to persuade me completely about this endless supply of desire you believe in."

"I am happy to oblige. I must set the scene, to ensure you cannot contest the results at a later date." He removed the shirt of his she had been wearing, exposing her completely to his view. "Such a beautiful display. I nearly forgot what it is I am meant to demonstrate."

She leaned in and gave him a slow, deep kiss, treasuring how quickly he responded. "I have an idea. Would you like to see what I had imagined, when I thought of us like this?"

Desmond clasped a peacefully sleeping Lorelei in his arms. The settee was not built to hold two adults lying side by side, though he wished it had been. Still, they had managed to make it work in their favor earlier, when she had sat atop him, facing the fireplace instead of him. And he had not been able to refuse the invitation when she had scampered to the other side of the sofa, leaning over it in all her naked glory.

Now, though, she slept in his embrace, thoroughly satisfied. He was satisfied, too, though he was slightly troubled by her admissions about her marriage. She had not repeated her earlier words to him, from the night they had first met, about only indulging in short affairs. She had not needed to, because he understood perfectly that was all she was offering, even now.

Normally he could content himself with that. He squeezed her just a little bit tighter. Unfortunately, now he wanted more of her. He would have to persuade her the best he could to see things his way.

"See things in what way?" Lorelei murmured, rubbing at her nose as she tried to wake.

"I was hoping to persuade you it was time to return to my bedchamber."

"Yes! That is something I can agree to."

Desmond helped her to her feet, and they made their way upstairs, giving him plenty of time to wonder if she would ever agree to more.

Chapter Seven

Desmond spurred his horse into a gallop. The snowstorm had not lasted as long as he had hoped, and it seemed much too soon that he had returned Lorelei to her sister's home. She had thanked him for the visit, yet had not given him any indication she would make room for him on her calendar in the upcoming year.

Why could he not persuade Lorelei to view their affair as something that could last beyond the holiday festivities?

He had chosen to ride hell for

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