Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,179

the anticipation.

Impatience finally got the best of him. He leaned forward slightly and his lips met hers.

He meant it to be a brief kiss, an introduction of sorts, as well as an acknowledgment that they were still in a rather public spot. But she was so responsive that he did not know when he might end it. Her hands rested against his chest. She was not pushing him away, however. One hand clasped his lapel to ensure he did not retreat.

He finally managed to pull away, gratified when she bit her lip in disappointment. He grinned and reached up to pluck one of the mistletoe berries. "There are quite enough here to last the evening without need for rationing. Though I best ensure no one else saunters over for a kiss."

"I am certain I can stave them off. After all, I did rescue you once already."

Indeed she had.

Still, he wanted to converse with her without everyone milling about, tossing curious glances their direction. He also wanted more kisses and he did not want their newfound attraction to become the center of attention.

"Would you be amenable to a more private locale? I see a quiet nook nearby where we can converse."

Lorelei glanced over her shoulder, to the spot he had indicated with a nod of his head. "I suppose this is when I should warn you about unscrupulous behavior."

He pretended to frown. "I appreciate the warning, but I did not expect you to indulge in any sort of unscrupulous behavior."

As he'd hoped, it elicited another of her delightful laughs. Her expression was an intoxicating blend of amusement and indulgence, all of it directed at him.

"You have nothing to fear from me, Lorelei the temptress." He wanted to convince her of his sincerity, yet did not want to appear too serious. "I mean you no harm, and if I ever contemplated such a thing, the matchmaking earl himself would thrash me within an inch of my life."

He had unconsciously placed his hand on his heart during his speech. She lightly placed hers atop his and whispered, "There might not be anything left for him to thrash once I am done with you."

His burst of laughter caught everyone's attention. "Now that I am in fear for my life, I wonder if I dare to ask for another kiss?"

"Bring the mistletoe," she said with a grin, "and we shall determine how brave you can be."

Desmond reached up and removed the greenery from its fastening. He sighed with contentment when he saw just how many berries it contained.

His heart danced with eagerness at the numerous kisses they would share that evening.

Lorelei grinned at her handsome suitor as he led her to a nearby niche, intended for just such a lovers' hideaway. There was a small sofa, designed for two, as well as a branch of candles on tables at either side, illuminating while also creating intimate shadows. They could still view the dancers, and hear the orchestra, but tucked away as they were allowed for quieter conversation—as well as kissing.

He held her hand so gently, as if he was carrying a precious gift, and ensured she was seated before he sat down. Her heart fluttered, signaling how amenable it was to commence a flirtatious amour—those delicious moments that made life so enjoyable, brief as they always were.

"I wish I had thought to procure some wine," Desmond said. "Yet I cannot leave and risk that someone else will be attending you when I return."

She bit back a smile. "And I cannot go to seek out refreshment. For if I were to return and discovered you had expired, all because Miss Chatterling was here detailing her latest exploits—"

He pretended to shudder. "No, that will not do at all. We shall have to prepare better the next time."

That sent a frisson of excitement racing along her spine, though she knew how fruitless it was to consider the possibility of a next time. Best to enjoy the moments presented to her now.

A passing footman solved their dilemma. Desmond caught the man's attention and grabbed two glasses of wine, which he handed to Lorelei. Before the man could depart, he removed two more glasses. The footman remained impassive as Desmond said, "I think this should do for now."

Once the servant had left, Lorelei said, "I am not accustomed to drinking two glasses of wine at once."

"Nor am I," Desmond answered with a chuckle. He set both glasses on the table next to him. "Those shall be in reserve, if needed

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