Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,133

that confirmed to him that Trockler was in league with Madam Layla.

“Our carriage wheel broke, so we have sent my aunt and Jackson on, and we are attempting to find someone to fix it.” Ivy’s voice sounded normal, but her body was tense. Her fingers were clutching the ones he held the reins with. “We are to spend time at Greystone with Mr. Haddon and his family over Christmastide. He took me up before him as it was too cold to stay and wait.”

“Oh, well, I can help you there.” Lord Trockler’s smile was tight. “Come along, we’ll head back to the estate, and I will have one of my men fix it.”

“That would be wonderful, as my driver will be cold, as will the horses,” Ivy said.

“Follow us, then.”

There was little he could do for now, so Rory urged his horse in behind the men. Two of them then dropped back behind his horse, hemming them in.

“Stay alert,” he whispered in Ivy’s ear again. Her only answer was to squeeze his fingers.

They wouldn’t harm her. He’d do everything in his power to ensure that they had a long, happy future together, no matter what it took.

Chapter Sixteen

Ivy hoped Rory was wrong. Hoped that in fact Lord Trockler was a good man, and he was not under Madam Layla’s control.

“Not much farther now!” the nobleman called from up ahead.

“Do you think if Lord Trockler is in league with Madam Layla, he had something to do with the carriage wheel breaking?” Ivy whispered.

“I’m not sure something like that could be planned. But I would say they have followed us from London, if indeed Trockler is the enemy.”

Ivy didn’t want anything to happen to her, but the thought of Rory being harmed in any way made panic claw at her insides.

Rory would do what it took to keep her safe, she knew that, and yet he was one man, as she was one woman. They were outnumbered.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you, Rory.”

He leaned closer, his cheek now pressed to hers. “I don’t want anything to happen to you either, Ivy.”

“We have to get out of this.”

“We don’t know Lord Trockler’s intent yet, Ivy.”

“And yet you believe it is bad, don’t you, Rory?”

“I do.” He whispered the words in her ear.

They turned into a driveway and rode along that for a while. At the end was a large stone house.

“I had no idea you kept a place here, Lord Trockler,” Rory said.

“It’s one of a few I have. I come here when I want to be alone,” Trockler said, dismounting. He wasn’t looking at Rory or Ivy, but the house. “I will have someone sent to fix your carriage at once and bring it here to collect you. Come along, we shall go inside and warm up while we wait.”

Rory dismounted, then held up his hands to Ivy. She slid into his arms, and he held her briefly, allowing her to gain courage from his strength.

“Find a place to freshen up, then escape if you can,” Rory whispered. “Find where the horses are and go for help.”

“I won’t leave you. Besides, we don’t know if Lord Trockler is bad or not.”

“Think, Ivy. He came to ask your family to stay with him for a few days. Has he ever done so before, and while his wife is away?”

He had her there.

“You will escape, because it may be the only way we get out of this.” He gripped her fingers tight.

They were ushered into the house and into a small parlor, and the tension inside her grew. What would happen now? Was Lord Trockler intent on harming them?

“My lord, I wonder if I could freshen up?” Ivy said.

“Of course. Haddon and I will take brandy while we await your return.”

She was shown to a room on the second floor. There was a key in the lock that she turned. Hurrying to the window, Ivy opened it. She was at the back of the house and could see the stables. But how did she get down to the ground from here? What if she was overreacting? What if Rory was wrong and Lord Trockler wasn’t intent on harming them?

Bracing her hands on the windowsill, she looked out. A fall from here would break bones or her neck. Climbing onto the ledge, Ivy shuffled along it slowly.

But what if Lord Trockler is not intent on harming us? She could be risking her limbs for no reason.

Ivy reached another window and peeked in. Had

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