Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,129


Rory walked, towing her behind him, into the room. He shut the door behind them with his boot.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think there was any danger in just a brief dash to the lending library.” Her words were falling one on top of the other as she backed away from him, which was not far, as the room was small. Tiny, in fact, and housed only a chair and small writing desk.

“You,” he pointed a finger at her as he advanced, “could even now have been in the hands of someone who wants to harm you! Not just harm, but violate!”

There had not been a great deal of color in her face to start with, but what there was leached away.

“That man wanted to grab you right of the street before me, Ivy, and was likely sent by the woman who kidnapped Jackson. Her threat was that we would be made to pay if we pursued charges against her. It seems she worked swiftly.” Which he would consider soon when he could again think clearly, as surely that strengthened his belief that Squire Ringwald could not be trusted.

“I’m sorry. I did not give the matter enough consideration.”

A gray velvet bonnet framed her face, tied with matching silk ribbons. He felt it again, that pain in his chest, but now it was worse, because just minutes ago Ivy Redfern could have been kidnapped… taken from him.

“I credited you with a great deal more sense than you are currently displaying. Clearly you have been used to doing as you wish without restraint or censure.” He was snarling now, like a rabid dog.

“That’s unfair.” The color returned to her face. “You make me sound brainless and rash. I assure you I am neither.”

He moved closer. “Your behavior today would suggest you are both those things. Especially considering both Jackson and I told you that there was danger.”

She looked like he’d slapped her.

“You could have disappeared, never to be seen again, had I not arrived when I did, Ivy. Do you understand that?”

She nodded, and he saw that the truth was hitting her hard.

“I do not want you to disappear, Ivy.” He closed the distance. “It would upset me greatly.” His anger fled as he saw the tears she was fighting to keep at bay.

“I-I am sorry. I have this furiously determined streak, and it tends to blind me to all else. I can also rationalize everything I should not be doing into something I should.”

Rory barked out a laugh. He then took her in his arms and held her close, as much for her as for him. He needed to feel her, needed to know she was safe here with him.

“Promise me you will not take such a risk again.” He cupped her cheeks.

“I promise.”

The kiss was gentle, and yet held so much. Passion, yes, but also desperation from both of them.

“We need to leave London now, Ivy.”

She nodded, and he saw the questions in her eyes, but now was not the time to answer those. When they were safe at Greystone there would be time to discover what lay between them.

“Come, we must alert your family to what has happened.”

“Oh, but—”

“They need to know, Ivy.”

“Forgive me, Rory, you are right, my behavior was selfish and irresponsible. I am not usually like that. Things have unsettled me, and I am not myself.”

“I understand that, and realize the last few days, weeks actually, have been extremely difficult for you, Ivy. But you must show caution now.”

“I will, I promise.”

“It is only because I care about you that I was so angry, Ivy. You scared me.”

“Thank you for being there, Rory.” She kissed his cheek, then walked past him out the door, leaving him to follow.

I’ll always be there for you.

Chapter Fourteen

He waited in the front entrance while they gathered their things, watching the street for anyone who may be lurking there with nefarious intentions.

As predicted, Ivy’s aunt and brother had let her know exactly what they thought of her behavior when he’d told them what had taken place outside the lending library. Chastened, she’d left the room.

He watched her stop halfway down the stairs as she noted no one but he was there.


She continued slowly.

“You will like Greystone, Ivy, I promise.”

“It is very generous of your brother to invite us, Rory.”

“I hear a but?”

“I know we need to go after what happened today, and I want us to now. But we usually spend Christmas just the three of us. Often we decorate the house

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