Miss Janie's Girls - Carolyn Brown Page 0,91

take care of Delia’s things. Every time I went into her room, I cried. Miss Janie came over one day and told me that it was time to take care of her things. It was one of those days when Miss Janie was in her right mind, and she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Crazy thing was, afterward, I dreamed about Delia for the first time, and she told me she was at peace,” Sam answered.

“I have no problem giving the bed and other things to someone who needs them, and I don’t think Miss Janie would mind if Prissy’s great-uncle got them,” Noah said. “I was thinking about turning that room into my office eventually. That way my clients wouldn’t have to climb stairs or be peeking into bedrooms, and the smaller downstairs bedroom could become y’all’s office for the senior business stuff, if you need extra space.”

Teresa was still emotional from the funeral the day before, so that offer brought more tears to her eyes. “That’s a sweet idea.” She nodded. “We might get them both cleaned out today. What have you got in mind for the regular furniture?”

“I’m not ready to get rid of that yet,” Noah said, “so I guess I could rent a storage unit.”

“I’ve got a barn I don’t use since me and Delia quit runnin’ cattle several years ago. You could put it in there for free, and it would be close by if you decide you want to bring some of it back at any time,” Sam offered.

Teresa got up and rounded the end of the table to give Sam a hug. “You are a godsend.”

“Thank you, but what I really am is a friend who’s been through something like this and wants y’all to finally have peace.” He smiled.

“This isn’t going to be easy,” Kayla said.

“I’m here to support y’all through it all.” Sam stood up, went to the stove, and uncovered the casserole. “I haven’t eaten breakfast. I’m inviting myself to eat with y’all, and when we finish, we can get busy.”

Teresa locked gazes with Noah and whispered, “You ready for this, or do you want to wait a while?”

“Miss Janie would want us to move on,” he answered. “I’ll never be ready, but by putting it off, we’d only be hanging on to the past.”

There were parts of the past that Teresa desperately wanted to let go of, but her memories of Miss Janie she wanted to wrap a warm blanket around and store deep in her heart.

“Thank you, again, Sam, for helping us get through all this,” Kayla said.

Teresa and Noah both blinked after staring at each other for a minute. Kayla and Sam had both already filled their plates and were on their way back to the table. Noah pushed back his chair and stood up at the same time Teresa did.

“After you.” He made a sweeping motion toward the stove.

“Thanks.” She smiled.

There it is again, Kayla thought. That chemistry between them, and if I can see it, they must feel it. Do people see that kind of thing when I’m around Will Barton?

Sam touched her on the arm, and she came close to jumping out of her skin.

“Where were you?” Sam’s old eyes twinkled. “Were you thinkin’ about Will Barton? He’s a good, hard-workin’ man, and he’s talked to my real estate lady. He’s made an offer for my house.”

Kayla lowered her voice to barely a whisper. “Can you see the sparks between them?” She glanced over her shoulder at Teresa and Noah.

“Of course.” Sam grinned. “They’ve been skirtin’ around their feelings all month, but they’ll figure it out.”

“What are y’all whispering about?” Teresa put her plate on the table and then sat down.

“I was asking if I might donate some card tables to the senior citizens. Me and Delia used to have the elderly folks’ Sunday school class at our place for the Christmas party. We got about eight of them tables so we could all have places to sit and play games,” he answered with a broad wink at Kayla.

“You’ve already done so much,” Noah answered.

“I’m tryin’ to show you kids how important this is to me and the rest of the community. I mentioned it to several folks, and they’re as excited as I am,” Sam said. “Soon as we get the place painted, I’ll clean up them tables and bring the folding chairs with them.”

“Thank you.” Noah finished off his muffin and went back for a helping of casserole. “Anyone need

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