Miss Janie's Girls - Carolyn Brown Page 0,35

didn’t have a phone, but I took that pill faithfully at eight o’clock every evening when I got home from work. Thank God the health clinic provided them free.” Kayla shivered.

“Real bastards that we got, weren’t they?” Teresa said.

“Apples don’t fall far from the tree, and we kind of proved it, didn’t we?” Kayla stood up.

“I was thinkin’ more that the guys we took up with did that.” Teresa could hardly believe that they were talking civil to each other after the way they’d slung words around earlier.

“Think about it. We’re damaged goods. Our folks didn’t want us. Most foster homes wouldn’t have taken us in as old as we were. Miss Janie was kind enough to realize we needed a stable home, but we were way past what those counselors call our formative years,” Kayla told her. “My folks moved off and left me. You got taken out of your home because your stepdad was beating on you and your mama.”

“Our judgment ain’t too good, is it?” Teresa followed Kayla out into the hallway. “But we’ve both got a fresh chance right now. Let’s make the most of it.”

“We’ll see,” Kayla said. “We are who we are for the most part. As for me, I don’t intend to ever trust another man.”

“Me, either,” Teresa said.

Kayla started toward the stairs and turned around. “Good talk, but don’t go thinkin’ you’re my real sister or that you can tell me what to do.”

“Right back at you.” Teresa closed the door to her room, sat down on the floor, drew up her knees, and rested her chin on them. She’d said that she could never trust another man, but there was something still unresolved between her and Noah. She could tell by his expressions that he could feel it, too. She might put her faith in him, but she had so much baggage in her past that even if they did admit the attraction, she’d probably end up like Kayla—just a booty call.

No, it was far better that she simply resisted all those emotions she felt when he was around. Shove them into the dark corners of her heart and never let them see the light of day. Banter with him like she’d been doing and then get on with life after Miss Janie was gone. Until then, she had her work cut out for her.

A sharp knock on her door startled her for the second time that day. Expecting it to be Kayla, she yelled, “Come on in.”

Noah slung the door open, and from her angle on the floor, his silhouette filled the doorway and blocked out the light. His broad chest looked like it was at least an acre wide and narrowed down perfectly to his hips. He wore cowboy boots and snug jeans, and his hair was shoved up under a black felt cowboy hat. She’d never seen him dressed like that, but the look was downright sexy. He took a step inside and flashed a brilliant smile.

“Do you think you and Kayla could hold down the fort for a few days?” he asked. “I’ve got a case over around Texarkana. I’ll leave some money for y’all for anything you might need while I’m gone and my cell number in case you need me.”

“We’ll manage,” Teresa said. “I’m settled in pretty good right now, and it looks like Kayla is here for the long haul, so go on. When are you leaving?”

“First thing tomorrow morning. I should be gone Monday through Wednesday if everything goes well,” he answered.

“Well, you sure look like you’ll do just fine,” she told him.

The three of them were adjusting better than she thought they might. She was enjoying doing the cooking and spending time with Miss Janie. Kayla had offered to help with the cleaning duties and with Miss Janie when Teresa needed her. And now Noah trusted them enough to go away for a few days on a job.

“Thanks for doing this. I’ve had to turn down some work since I got here because of this situation, and it’s tough on the reputation. I get a lot of my work by word of mouth,” he said.

“No problem,” she assured him. “So, you’ll be back Wednesday?”

“Hopefully, but Thursday at the latest,” he said as he started down the stairs.

“Safe travels,” she called out.

“Thank you.” Noah waved back.

“Out of sight, out of mind,” she muttered, but she didn’t believe a single word.

Chapter Seven

Noah propped a pillow against the headboard of the bed in a cheap

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