Miss Janie's Girls - Carolyn Brown Page 0,21

Miss Janie those years,” Noah said.

Teresa frowned at Noah. “When were you back here?”

“Right after you left for college. My folks and I had finished a four-year stint in Germany, and they were on their way to Japan. We stopped by to see Miss Janie, and then they dropped me off in San Antonio for college and they left,” he answered. “Kayla was starting her senior year, and she was wound tighter than a two-dollar watch, as Miss Janie used to say.”

“You got that right, but don’t waste any more of your time and money looking for her on the streets. She used to be an excellent shoplifter, so she’d turn to stealing first.” Teresa stood to her feet and took a couple of steps toward the hallway. “Try looking at housekeepers. She might do that, and lots of folks pay housekeepers in cash, so that might be the reason you’re having trouble finding her.”

“I never thought of that. I didn’t know that she liked to do that kind of work. Thanks for the tip,” Noah muttered.

Teresa stopped in her tracks and whipped around to face him. “You are welcome. I want Miss Janie to leave this world in peace. The only time I ever knew Kayla to knock the chip off her shoulder was when she was around elderly people. She adored Delia and Sam. I bet you find her doing a job that pays cash and maybe living in a homeless shelter.”

“Miss Janie said she left a note and ran away with some kid named Denver. I did think for a while that maybe she had four or five kids by now and is a stay-at-home mom,” Noah said. “But with what you just told me, I’ll tell my PI to look in the other direction.”

“Kayla swore she’d never have kids,” Teresa said. “She practically raised her younger siblings, and she said she’d never trust a man to be a good father.”

“She must’ve had a tougher life than I even imagined,” Noah said.

“You don’t know anything about how either of us lived before Miss Janie took us in.”

Teresa left the room, checked on Miss Janie, and then went upstairs.

Teresa remembered Denver from high school. He’d come from a good family, but he had always been worthless. He was one of those tall, dark, and handsome boys who could sweet-talk a girl into the back seat of his car with no problem. Teresa wasn’t a bit surprised that Kayla had run away with him right after she graduated.

Given her foster sister’s temper, she would be surprised if they were still together. Denver didn’t take orders well, not even in high school. He was constantly in detention for being late, swearing at teachers, and fighting. His parents went to bat for him every single time he got in trouble—nothing was ever his fault. He wouldn’t be able to hold down a job.

Kayla might’ve supported him for a while, but she’d begin to see through him before long, and she wouldn’t be able to hold her temper, either. The reason that Noah couldn’t find her might be that she’d found another man who’d treat her right and had taken his name.

That wouldn’t change her social security number, the voice in her head said.

Before she could argue that point, she heard Miss Janie crying and hurried back down the stairs to see what she could do to help. “What’s the matter, darlin’?”

“I want Kayla to come see me. I’m dying, and I’ve got things to say to her,” she sobbed. “She was such a tormented little soul. I need to talk to her.”

“Noah is doing his best,” Teresa said.

Miss Janie sat up and slowly slung her legs off the side of the bed. “Noah is building an ark. He doesn’t have time to look for Kayla. You need to do that for me.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Teresa extended a hand to steady Miss Janie when she stood up. “I’ll do that as soon as I make supper. You want to go to the kitchen and help me?”

“I want to go to the front porch. I need to be sitting there in case Kayla comes home. She might forget which house to go to, but if I’m right there, she’ll see me.” Miss Janie groaned when she took the first step. “My legs ain’t what they used to be.”

Teresa looped Miss Janie’s arm in hers like she’d been taught in the nursing home. “Use me to lean on, and your cane for support on the

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