Mirage - Alice Tribue Page 0,9

along with an uncontrollable giggle. “That was a bad pick-up line.”

“It was?” He sounds surprised that I called him out on it.

“It was.”

“I thought it was pretty good; at least give me some credit for originality.”


“It could have been worse.”

“Worse than that?” I’m egging him on, I know, but it makes me feel almost childlike to let a little of the silliness out of me. I rarely get a chance to do that anymore.

“I’m sorry for bothering you, Victoria. I know you must be tired—ask me how I know you’re tired.”

“How do you know I’m tired?” If I smile any wider, I think that my face might just freeze.

“Because you’ve been running through my mind all night.”

“You’re right; that is worse.”

“I told you. So, how about that coffee?”

“I don’t know. Things are just complicated right now, and I’m really busy.”

“It’s just coffee. You probably spend more time doing your hair.”

“Okay,” I relent. It’s not like I don’t want to go out with him; that much is painfully obvious.

“Tomorrow morning at nine o’ clock?”


“Great, I’ll text you the place. Good night, Victoria.”

“Good night, Nathan.”

Suddenly, my night has gotten a little bit better, a little less lonely, and all those questions that I was asking myself earlier seem unimportant. I can manage a few dates with Nathan without losing my head or sabotaging my business. Everything can go on as it normally does except now I get to have coffee.


The coffee shop that Nathan suggested we meet at was only a short walk for me. I’m usually driven around, so the fresh air is a welcome change. Spring is finally here, the winter frost is melting, and the flowers are starting to bloom. I decided that I would dress for the office, even though it’s Saturday. Even I take the weekends off if I can manage it. I paired a white embroidered button-down shirt with slim fitting beige slacks and matching strappy high heel sandals. A jacket and nude bag tie the look together, and I’ve pulled my brown locks back in a tight ponytail.

When I enter the coffee shop, I spot Nathan almost instantly. He’s sitting at a small table for two by the window. He stands when our eyes meet, making me realize just how tall he is. He looks different today, casual in jeans, a gray t-shirt, and black jacket. I like this look on him; it’s not that the suit and tie weren't nice, but this just seems more him.

“Hi,” I greet, startled when he leans in for a hug.

“I’m glad you could make it,” he says as he pulls away. “What can I get for you?”

You, just you. “Vanilla latte.”

“Okay, have a seat and I’ll be right back.”

I take a seat and watch him stride away seriously liking the view. I don’t normally objectify men, but shit, he makes it difficult. The pinging of my cell phone tears my attention away from my man watching.

Ivy: Hey Boss, didn’t see you leave last night. Thanks for letting me tag along.

Her text reminds me that she’s the one who gave Nathan my number and we absolutely have to have a conversation about that.

Me: I left just after ten. Why did you give some random man my phone number???

Ivy: Nathan??? 1. He’s hot, 2. He likes you and you need to date more, 3. He’s hot!

Me: We’ll discuss this later… don’t do that again!

Ivy: Fine. I’ll talk to you later.

“Everything okay?”

I look up just as Nathan places a large coffee in front of me and takes the seat across from mine.

“Yes, fine. Just reminding my assistant of proper behavior.”

“Ahh, don’t be too hard on her. I can be pretty persuasive.” A gleam in his eyes alludes to a hint of mischief and humor. I can tell that those things are part of his personality, and I like it. I like that he can find the humor in things. I wish I could do that more often.

“I can see that.”

“You say it like it’s a bad thing.”

“I’m not sure if it’s good or bad. Why did you want to see me so badly?”

“You make me sound desperate. Can’t a guy dig a girl and ask her out? That is the way it’s done, isn’t it?”

“Is it? I wouldn’t know.”

“What? I’m sure you’ve been asked out before.”

“I guess, not quite as stealthily as you did it.”

“I just thought you were beautiful and I wanted to know more about you. If that makes me look desperate, then so be it.” He looks sincere,

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