Mirage - Alice Tribue Page 0,6

The types like Bradley and Conrad Roberts, who use my services because they are clearly addicted to sex. They’ll fuck anyone that they can get their hands on, and when they can’t find a willing partner, they will pay handsomely for it often. They are womanizing scumbags with no regard for the women in their lives. They have classic commitment and fidelity issues, and they possess little, if any, morality.

The other type is the overworked and overstressed businessman who has little to no time for relationships. Most of his time is spent in boardroom meetings closing big deals on a daily basis. He eats, sleeps, and dreams work, and when he needs to find a release…well, that’s when he comes looking for me. This is the easiest type of man to deal with; he knows what he wants, and he’s content to get it. He’ll pay well for it and treat the girls well, but he doesn’t abuse them; it’s mostly just a means to an end for him. I’ll take this type of client any day over the Bradleys and the Conrads of the world.

“You’re drunk and you need to let me go.”

“Come on…” He doesn’t get to finish that thought before he’s being pulled back, his hold on me being ripped away, and the face of the man from earlier in the evening comes into focus.

“You all right?” he asks me as I try to shake off my stunned reaction. I give him an affirmative nod, and he turns back toward Bradley.

“When a lady asks you to take your hands off her, you let her fucking go.”

The outraged look on Bradley’s face is priceless. I doubt anyone has ever stepped up to him or called him out on his less than stellar behavior.

“Who the fuck are you?” he spits out. I stand there watching the scene unfold before me. My eyes land on the beautiful stranger, who has unexpectedly and unnecessarily come to my rescue, and remain completely glued on him.

“I’m the guy who’s trying to teach you some manners. Either you can listen to the lesson or I can beat it into you. You decide.”

And like any true rich kid with no real life experience or street smarts, he raises his hands in mock surrender.

“Hey man, I was just messing around. No harm done.”

“Walk away,” the stranger growls out, and though the anger on Bradley’s face is evident, he absolutely does as he’s told and walks away.

“You sure you’re all right, miss?”

“I’m fine; you really didn’t have to do that,” I say sounding way snarkier than I intended to. I’m not sure if I’m annoyed at the fact that he defended me when I didn’t ask for his help, or if I’m pissed at myself for being so attracted to him. Either way, I regret my tone immediately.

“Right. Well, from where I was standing, it looked like you were in over your head.”

Now I’m offended. I may be a lot of things but a damsel in distress is not one of them.

“How could you tell that I was in over my head? You have no idea who I am or what I can handle?”

“Are you really giving me shit for helping you out right now?” he questions, getting in my face. “Would it have been better if I had let him grope you?” He’s right; he stepped in when no one else would have. Maybe chivalry isn’t dead, after all, and maybe I should be more appreciative of it.

“Shit. No, no, no, I’m sorry. It’s just been a long night. It was very nice of you to step in.”

His shoulders relax, making him look a lot less intimidating. “Did you know that guy?”

“He’s an acquaintance.”

“He’s an ass.”

“Yes,” I agree nodding my head. “He is; thank you for saving me from him.” I mean it; it was nice not having to fend for myself for a change.

“Even though you didn’t need saving?”

“Yeah, even though I didn’t need it,” I confirm with a smile. God, he’s sexy, damn near perfection, and what makes it even better is that he’s not trying to be. He is who he is and there’s no need for him to try for more. He’s dressed impeccably in a black suit, silver cufflinks, and a blue tie.

His light green eyes are mesmerizing, really mesmerizing, even more so as they lock with mine. His short brown hair is styled effortlessly, and if I’m being totally honest, his full lips are sexy as can be.

He rewards me

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