Mirage - Alice Tribue Page 0,48

can only hope that I’ve gotten through and that I’ve managed to reassure them. I know I’ve probably already lost a few of them, but I can’t think about that now. I’ve made my decision.

“Our clients will be notified immediately that their contracts will be terminated at the end of the month. This news will come from us, not you. You are not to mention this to anyone.”

The words are out of my mouth. I’ve spoken them into existence. It’s too late to take them back, too late to change my mind or think twice about it. I’m forging a new path, taking a different route to what promises to be a much easier existence—a freer existence. I can live my life surrounded by truth instead of shrouded in lies. But the craziest thing of all, the thing I can’t explain, is why at the exact moment that the words left my mouth, Nathan’s face popped into my head.


The headline on the paper this morning is extremely gratifying.


Chief Executive Officer Brandon Miller was arrested this morning on suspicion of money laundering. It has been alleged that Miller deliberately defrauded customers of more than $14 million. Miller was arrested early yesterday morning in his New York City penthouse. Records show that he pleaded not guilty to eight counts of wire fraud, four counts of mail fraud, and six counts of money laundering in U.S. District Court.

I toss the paper down on the kitchen counter and smile broadly, picking up my cell phone to type out a quick text to Sage’s husband, Jackson Stone.

Me: Read this morning’s paper. THANK YOU!

Jackson: No idea what you’re talking about.

Me: Of course, not.

I reply, placing the phone down and taking my now empty coffee cup to the sink. I’ve been waiting for this moment for almost two weeks now, and it’s finally happened. Payback is a bitch, and Brandon Miller is about to regret everything that he did to Katie. My plan is to pull up a chair and enjoy watching every minute of it. My cell phone alerts me to another text message.

Nathan: Morning, baby. Have you had breakfast?:)

Me: Morning :) Just coffee.

Nathan: I just got out of work. Meet me for breakfast?

Me: Sure, same place as last week?

Nathan: Yes.

There’s a smile on my face when I put my phone down, just like there is anytime I think of or talk to Nathan. Everything about being with him feels right to me and the more time that passes, the more invested I become. I’m entering the danger zone of relationship territory, and I don’t even care. If Nathan ever decides to walk away, I’ve left myself wide open for heartbreak. The thing is—I don’t care. For once in my life, I’m not worrying about the what-ifs because, right now, at this moment, I think I’m falling in love, and I’ve never felt anything better. Now, the need to quickly and quietly get out of the escort business has only been intensified by those feelings.

It’s only a quick walk to the restaurant; Nathan is waiting outside for me when I get there. He pulls me into a hug and I go willingly, letting him wrap me up in his arms.

“I missed you last night,” he whispers in my ear and squeezes me tighter.

“I missed you, too.” I bury my face in his chest, letting his natural scent envelop me. I melt into him even more, and when he kisses the top of my head, it’s like I can’t get close enough. It’s like I don’t even recognize myself anymore.

“Come on. Let’s eat.” We come apart but stay connected through linked hands. Nathan leads me into the restaurant, not letting go until the hostess shows us to our seats.

“How was work?” I ask after our orders have been placed.

“Boring. I filled in for one of the guys at a building downtown. They normally have twenty-four-hour security onsite so I just sat behind a desk and did nothing all night.”

“Sounds fascinating,” I joke.

“No, it’s really not. I’d rather have been holed up in your apartment with you.”

“How come you’ve never shown me your apartment?” I didn’t mean to ask that, don’t know why I did, or how the words just left my mouth. But now that the words have left my mouth, I realize that I really want to know the answer.

He looks surprised by my question. “Uhh, I don’t know. I guess I never really thought about it. I have a

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