Mirage - Alice Tribue Page 0,3

one of them. That being said, I’m only human, and occasionally, someone slips by me and falls through the cracks—someone like Conrad Roberts. Times like this make me wonder if what I’m doing is enough to protect these girls because even one incident like this is too many for me.

Please just let me get through this day, I beg no one in particular. I close my eyes trying to relieve the tension that exists when my cell phone rings. The particular ringtone makes me tense even further; the last thing I need right now is to have another argument with him.

“Hi, baby,” I answer as sweetly as I possibly can; it’s my defense mechanism. I figure if I speak to him with affection, then he’ll return the favor. I’m wrong.

“Where are you, Victoria?”

“I just got out of a meeting, and I’m heading back to the office now,” I say bracing myself for impact. I don’t know why I deal with this shit. Probably because they are all the same—men…Every single one of them has a problem with how wealthy I am, how independent I am, and the hours I keep. They work their nine-to-fives, come home, and sit on their asses waiting for me to get home and cook dinner as if I’m supposed to earn a living and still perform the normal “housewife” duties. It drives me fucking crazy.

I don’t think he can help the disdain in his voice. “Late again, I see. I haven’t seen you since you left last night.”

“Collin, I don’t know what you want me to say. You know I have a job and people are counting on me to do it.”

“It’s a fucking holistic health business, Victoria. It’s not like you’re finding a cure for cancer or ending world hunger. I think business can survive without you for a few hours.”

So, the answer is NO, Collin doesn’t know the truth about my business. Very few people know the truth, and he’s not one of them. I guess it says a lot about the depth of our relationship if I can’t trust him enough to tell him the truth. It would take a special kind of man to be okay with my job, and I honestly don’t think Collin is that man. The sex is okay most days though, so I’ve stayed with him longer than I probably should have.

“Do not trivialize what I do. I would never do that shit to you.”

“You can’t. I’m home way more often than you are; you have no reason to complain.”

“If you’re so unhappy, then why do you stay with me?”

I honestly want to know the answer to this question, but his silence speaks volumes.

“It wouldn’t faze you at all if I packed my shit up right now and left, would it?”

“Not really, no,” I answer honestly. “You’re unhappy; I’m not changing, so you should do something about it. No one should live in a miserable state. Life is too short.”

“Can you honestly say that you’re happy with the state of our current relationship, Victoria?”

“It works for me, yes.”

There’s that pesky silence again. I blow out a huff of air and roll my eyes.

“Collin, I really have to go.”

“I’ll be gone by the time you get home tonight.”

Well, this sucks. As much as I know Collin’s not right for me, I’d much rather deal with him than the assholes I don’t know. I don’t have the time or desire to date right now. It’s a scary world we live in, and I’ve seen too much of it. Finding a normal man is not an easy task. “No need to rush. I’ll spend the night at the office.”

“You’re a real piece of work, you know that, right?”

“Good-bye, Collin.” I hang up the phone, and with that conversation, a shitty day just got even shittier. Welcome to my world.


Three Months Later

I struggle to fake another smile, forcing a giggle at another poorly executed joke. I look around at a sea of mostly familiar faces in the midst of yet another charity event hosted by people who have way too much money. Perhaps, if donating the five thousand per plate meal ticket went directly to the charity, nights like these wouldn’t be necessary. It just seems so insincere, another excuse for the wealthy to get together, to see and be seen, and I play along because my illegal company is hidden behind what appears to be a thriving legal one.

Thank goodness the champagne is flowing freely, I think to myself

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