Mirage - Alice Tribue Page 0,17

You don’t want to burn your legs on the bike.”

I walk into my bedroom and sift through my closet, opting to pair a light blue blouse with black slacks and pumps. After getting dressed, I do a quick check of my hair and make-up, and then I’m done. I grab a jacket on the way back out to the living room. Nathan rises from his position on my couch and scans my body appreciatively.

“You ready to go?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I really should keep the sarcasm to a minimum; he’s only here because he knows that in reality I want him to be here. It’s not like I’m trying to play hard to get, though. I honestly believe that it’s not a good idea to be mixed up with him. That’s the God’s honest truth, but it doesn’t change the fact that I want to, and if that kiss earlier was any indication at all, getting mixed up with him might be well worth the hassle.

Nathan holds the door open as I grab my purse and my keys; he leads me downstairs and out of the building. Once we’re outside, he grabs my hand and we walk down the block to the coffee shop.

“Vanilla latte?” he asks when we get in line.


“And to eat?”


I leave him to order and find a small table in the back of the shop. My mind goes back to the kiss from earlier, the one that he basically stole. I know I should be angry with him for barging in on me the way he did and for catching me off guard, but instead, I think a part of me feels flattered that he is interested enough in me to go through all this effort. Then, of course, there’s that part of me that’s ridiculously attracted to him and wants more than just a kiss. It’s only been a few days, but I’m tired of telling her to shut up.

“Am I going to make you late?” I look up just as Nathan is placing a small tray on the table.

I shrug my shoulders and smile. “I own the place; it’s not like I can get fired.”

He takes a seat and nods. “The perks of being your own boss?”

“Something like that.” I pick up my coffee and drink, relishing in the first sip of the day. “Nathan, what are you getting from all of this? You’re young and handsome; I’m sure you can have just about any woman. Are you just one of those guys who loves the chase and then gets bored once he’s won the girl?”

“No, although you are making this fun. You act like a five-year age difference is a crime. If it was the other way around and I was older than you were, then you probably wouldn’t even bat an eyelash. Is it so hard for you to believe that I like you, and I think you like me, too?”

“I guess not.”

He grins at me, and I swear I feel it everywhere. EVERYWHERE, and just like that, I decide that maybe I need to stop fighting this thing with Nathan and let it take its natural course. Whatever that may be.

“Eat up; I have to get you to work,” he orders me and, because I’m actually hungry, I do what he says. When I’m finished eating, Nathan takes me to work and delivers me to my office as he said he would. He walks me to the door and grabs my hand before I have a chance to go inside.

“Victoria,” he calls, leaning in close. I close my eyes and his lips are on mine, his tongue slowly slipping into my mouth. My body begins to react, to give in to him as his hands roam the expanse of my back. I let out a moan when he runs his hand gently through my hair. I just begin to get a feel for him when he pulls away, kissing me on the forehead with a parting kiss that lingers the whole day.


Every morning this week, without fail, Nathan has shown up at my building with coffee and pastries and given me a ride to work. Just like with the first morning, he leaves me with a kiss and a promise for more. I make it home in record time from work today so that I can get ready for my date with Nathan. After dropping me off to work this morning, he let me know that he was taking me

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