Mirage - Alice Tribue Page 0,12

other things, yeah.”

“You can’t save everyone, you know? Some of them will want to keep doing what they’re doing, and they’ll make that happen. You can’t stop that.”

I understand what she’s saying; I understand it all too well, wanting so desperately to save someone who doesn’t want to be saved.

“I can at least give them options.”

“You’re a good person.”

I look away because I can’t bring myself to agree with her. Would a good person break the law? Would a good person own and operate an escort service? Probably not. I do the best I can with what I’ve created, and I have my reasons for why I chose this profession, but none of those things make me a good person. None of those things would make my father proud of me, even if they’ve given me a purpose.

The familiar ping of a text message pulls me from my inner reflection, literally saved by the bell. I glance down at my phone and smile at the name that appears on my caller ID.

Nathan: You’ve been ignoring me.

I contemplate the statement. Clearly, he has me figured out and he must not really care. I have to give it to him, he’s persistent, and because of that, I give him a small dose of honesty.

Me: Who me? Why would you say that?

Nathan: Dinner tonight.

Me: I don’t think so.

Nathan: We both need to eat, name the place.

Me: Okay 7pm Trattoria on Mulberry.

Nathan: I’ll be there.

“Why are you smiling from ear to ear?” I glance up at Ivy, who’s staring at me with an inquisitive grin on her face. Know-it-all.

“I’m having dinner with Nathan. Happy now?”

“Eek!” I cover my ears to block the shrieking coming from across the room. “I’m so excited; I have a good feeling about him, Victoria.”

I clap my hands over my cheeks sarcastically. “Well, then, let me start working on the guest list for the wedding. Should we book the plaza? How about a Christmas wedding?”

“No one likes a smartass.”

“I can still fire you.”

“I’m going back to my desk.” She gets up and walks to the door, looking back at me to deliver her closing argument. “Just don’t show him the real you right away because you may be too much for him to handle. You have to slowly ease people into your personality—you can be a bit of a bitch at times.”

“Good-bye,” I hiss while shooting imaginary daggers at her. I can still hear her laughing by the time she reaches her desk moments later.


The office phone rings just as I’m about to leave for the day.

“This is Victoria Powell.”

“Finally,” a familiar voice says, “I got in touch with you.”

“Oh, hey, Daddy. How are you?”

I rely on very few people. Ivy is one, my good friend, Jackson, is another, and then there’s my dad. Since my mother died, he’s really the only family that I have. In reality, he was the only family I ever had, even before my mother’s untimely death. I’m his baby; he would do anything for me, and I know that. I wonder what he would think of me if he knew what his daughter really did for a living. It’s something I ask myself all the time; it keeps me up at night because the answer absolutely terrifies me. If there’s anybody in the world that I don’t want to let down or disappoint, it’s him.

“I’m good. Just wondering when my daughter got too busy to take her old man's calls.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy, it’s just been crazy these last few weeks. I was going to call you, I swear.”

“Sounds like you’re working too hard.”

“It’s just a busy time of the year, but that’s no excuse. How about I drop by to see you one day next week?”

“I’d like that.”

“Me, too. I miss you. I promise I’ll do better with making time to see you.”

“It’s okay, you know. I get that you have a life, and it’s not your job to take care of me. I’m just saying a phone call wouldn’t hurt every once in a while.”

“You’re right.”

“I’ll let you go, then. Talk soon?”

“Talk soon.”

I disconnect the call and sit for a while, trying to shake the feeling of sadness that has permeated the air around me. Talking to my dad, having my dad, should make me happy, but the guilt I feel about lying to him gets me every single time. Maybe that’s why I conveniently forget to pick up the telephone to call him at times. I know it may not seem like

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