Millionaire's women - By Helen Brooks Page 0,134

briefly, but it didn’t work out.’

‘What happened?’

Kate busied herself with pouring tea. ‘I was determined to work in London; Jack was equally determined to stay here, so we decided on a clean break.’

Jo frowned and reached for more toast. ‘I bet you were both sorry afterwards.’

‘Yes, we were.’ Which was an understatement. Feeling like someone on the edge of a precipice, Kate changed the subject to Jo’s choice of birthday present for the twins. ‘We’d better pop into town this afternoon and find something.’

Jack rang before they went out, to ask if his daughter approved of him, and laughed, relieved, when Kate told him he was not only easy to talk to but better looking than Ben Maitland.

‘You can’t get higher praise than that,’ Kate assured him.

‘Thank God for it. I’ll sleep a lot easier tonight than I did last night!’

‘So what do you think of Kate’s friend, Jo?’ asked Anna that evening.

‘I think he’s lovely. Much better looking than David,’ said Jo, startling Kate.

‘You remember David, then?’

‘Of course I do.’ Jo pulled a face. ‘He used to come to Sunday lunch sometimes when you were together. He talked down to me. You know, as if I was a baby—which I suppose I was then. But Ben and Jack treat me like an adult.’

‘As they should,’ said Anna, trying not to laugh. ‘So you approve of Jack?’

Jo nodded, and flashed Kate an impudent smile. ‘I think he wants to get back with you.’

‘Do you, indeed!’

‘Why do you think I went to bed so tactfully last night? I could tell he was dying to be alone with you.’

Kate stared at her, speechless, and Anna dissolved into helpless laughter.

‘What do they teach you at that all girl establishment of yours?’

‘It’s a school, not a convent,’ Jo pointed out. ‘And some girls have boyfriends back home and bore you rigid about what they get up to with them. Not me, of course,’ she said regretfully.

‘Not yet,’ murmured Anna, and helped Jo to more pizza. ‘How would you feel if Jack Logan did get back with Auntie?’ she asked bluntly, ignoring Kate’s glare.

Jo thought about it as she munched. ‘I wouldn’t mind at all. He’s cool. And he’s potty about Kate.’

‘Why do you think that?’ demanded Kate, her colour high.

Jo gave her a pitying look. ‘It was pretty obvious! Besides,’ she said thoughtfully, ‘you sort of look right together.’

When they got home Kate waited until Jo was in bed, then rang Jack to report on the topic of conversation over pizza at the Maitland house.

‘Anna just asked her straight out?’ said Jack, laughing. ‘What did you do?’

‘Blush,’ said Kate succinctly. ‘Trust Anna to ask the question I wouldn’t dare to. Anyway, we’re in the clear. She seems quite happy about you as the current man in my life.’

‘The only man in your life! Was marriage mentioned?’

‘Even Anna didn’t go that far!’

‘Pity. Jo’s opinion would have been interesting.’

‘She thinks we look sort of right together, if that’s any comfort.’

‘Damn right it is! Dad’s very happy about Sunday, by the way. Last I heard he was off to buy the biggest Easter egg in town.’

‘How sweet!’ Kate took in a deep, unsteady breath. ‘Oh, God, Jack, I do hope there’s a happy ending to all this.’

‘Amen to that. In the meantime I’ll call in tomorrow evening to make the most of my daughter while I can.’

Jack’s second visit was as much a success as the first. Joanna opened the door to him again and greeted him with such open pleasure that Kate could tell he wanted to hug her. He stayed for an hour, admired the sweatshirts purchased as birthday presents for the twins, and approved the white jeans and jade-green top Joanna fetched to show him.

‘I was going to wear my mini-skirt to the party,’ she told him, ‘but Kate and Anna said the jeans would be better.’

‘Try them on and show Jack how you’ll look tomorrow, if you like,’ said Kate, and Joanna rushed off immediately.

Jack groaned. ‘Mini-skirt with those long legs?’

‘My sentiments exactly,’ said Kate, grinning. ‘Anna’s, too.’

Joanna came back into the room in her party gear, her eyes sparkling as she did a twirl. ‘What do you think?’ she asked Jack.

‘Absolutely gorgeous,’ he said without hesitation.

Kate and Joanna saw him to the door when he left soon afterwards, and Jack kissed Jo’s cheek and Kate’s mouth before getting into his car.

‘You really like him, don’t you?’ said Jo as they waved him off.

‘Yes, darling, I really do. Now, take the new things Copyright 2016 - 2024