Millionaire's women - By Helen Brooks Page 0,117

it always amazed me that you ate as much as I did—more sometimes.’

‘Lucky metabolism.’

Bran came wagging in joyful greeting as they went into the kitchen. Kate made a big fuss of him, then inspected the kitchen table with approval. Jack had put out the remains of the ham with a bowl of ripe red tomatoes, a loaf of Molly’s wholemeal bread and the platter of cheese from the night before.

‘I gave Bran one of his treats to celebrate,’ said Jack as he began to carve the ham.

‘Celebrate what?’ said Kate innocently.

He gave her a look which curled her toes. ‘You know damn well!’

Kate enjoyed the meal far more than the dinner of the evening before. They brought each other up to date on their taste in books, Jack reported on the progress of his current project and Kate talked about her clients and the trip she was making the following weekend to see Joanna.

When her phone rang Kate touched a finger to her lips and showed Jack the identity of her caller as she went out into the hall. ‘Hi, Anna.’

‘Did Jack drive you home last night?’

‘No. I stayed the night in his guest room.’

‘Thank goodness for that. I was worried sick. Look, I must apologise for Lucy. She was an absolute cow to you last night.’

‘Not your fault. She’s obviously got a great big crush on Jack.’

‘I didn’t realise just how great big it was. She was so cocka-hoop about being invited, but then she found you in possession, stunning in your black velvet against all that whiteness, and Lucy was jealous as hell.’

‘You looked stunning yourself. But did Lucy borrow her dress from her daughter by any chance?’

‘No way—Rose wouldn’t be seen dead in something like that.’ Anna chuckled. ‘Lucy was—and is—a fan of Sex and the City, hence the dress and matching toenails. She owns the entire series on DVD and watches for hours when George is away.’

‘That explains a lot. But I don’t remember her looking like that at your party.’

‘You were too stunned by meeting Jack again to notice.’

‘True. But never mind Lucy; is everything all right with baby after your epic drive home last night?’

‘Absolutely fine. Anxious Daddy cooked lunch today and I’m putting my feet up this afternoon.’

‘Good. Keep doing that. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.’

Kate turned to see Jack laughing in the doorway. ‘Did you eavesdrop?’

‘Every word. You were discussing Lucy Beresford’s dress, I take it.’

‘Guilty! Girls will be girls.’ She explained about the television series which Jack, as expected, had never seen, so wasn’t much the wiser.

‘Are you saying she got herself up like that purely on my account?’

Kate grinned. ‘It certainly wasn’t on mine!’

Jack’s mouth twisted in distaste. ‘Even if I were fool enough to play around with the wife of a friend I like and respect, it would not be Lucy Beresford.’

‘Sensible man!’

He sighed. ‘But somehow I have to make that clear to the lady, and at the same time keep George as a friend.’

‘Tricky,’ agreed Kate.

Jack’s patience suddenly ran out. ‘You could help me with that.’

‘How?’ she said, eyes narrowed.

He took her hands in his. ‘Darling, I meant to wait a while before I brought it up, but surely you can see what I’m getting at?’

‘No, I can’t.’

‘The best way out of the dilemma is to acquire a wife of my own—you, Kate.’

She stared at him. ‘Are you serious?’

‘It’s not the sort of thing one says as a joke! We’ve wasted too much of our lives apart already, so for God’s sake let’s get married, Kate.’ He waited, his eyes darkening at her lack of response. ‘I see. You obviously don’t care for the idea. Should I have gone down on one knee?’

‘The answer would still have been no, Jack.’

He dropped her hands, turned his back and strode into the living room to stand at the far windows, his back turned.

Kate followed as far as the fireplace. She waited quietly until he faced her, and forced herself to meet the ice in his eyes.

‘Did you plan this?’ he asked, in a voice so quiet and cutting she winced.

‘What do you mean?’

‘When you met me again, and found I was divorced,’ he went on in that same deadly quiet voice, ‘did you see a golden opportunity for revenge?’

‘Unlike you to be melodramatic, Jack,’ she said with distaste. ‘Anyway, you’re wrong.’

‘I don’t think so.’ He thrust his hands in his pockets and strolled towards her, lover transformed into menacing stranger. ‘The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced Copyright 2016 - 2024