Millionaire's women - By Helen Brooks Page 0,101


Touched by his insight, Kate repeated the account given by Dr Knight. ‘Jo’s dealing with her loss far better than I ever imagined.’

‘Having you as a guardian is a lot to do with it.’

‘It’s kind of you to say so, Jack.’

He grinned suddenly. ‘Don’t sound so surprised. I can be very kind when I put my mind to it.’

‘I know that. So did Dawn Taylor.’ Kate could have kicked herself when she saw Jack’s smile vanish.

He abandoned his beer and got up. ‘Time I was on my way. Thanks for the drink.’

Kate jumped up and put a hand on his arm. ‘Do you have plans for this evening, Jack?’

He looked down at the hand. ‘Why?’

‘If you haven’t, you could stay to supper. If you like,’ she muttered, already regretting her impulse.

Jack’s grin was back as he looked up. ‘Thought you’d never ask.’

‘You’ll have to eat whatever I can find in the cupboard,’ she warned, surprised to feel so relieved. ‘Come into the kitchen while I forage.’

‘I’ve got a better idea,’ he said, sitting down again. ‘Let’s order in. You can impress me with your culinary skill next time.’

Kate returned to her chair, smiling gratefully. ‘I won’t say no. I’ve had a tiring afternoon.’


‘No, far more exhausting than that. I went on a shopping trip with Anna. She needed something to wear to your dinner party. Her current wardrobe doesn’t fit.’ Kate swirled the remains of her drink round her glass. ‘Just between you and me, she’s pregnant, and jubilant about it. So is Ben.’

‘I can imagine he would be! Should I congratulate them?’

‘I’m not sure if they’ve gone public on it, so maybe not yet.’

‘My lips shall remain sealed. Would you have another beer?’

Kate went to fetch more drinks, and found Jack talking on his phone when she got back.

He closed it with a snap. ‘That was Dad, worried something was wrong. So I told him you’d asked me to supper and right now he’s probably jumping joyfully to all the wrong conclusions.’

Kate handed him a beer, topped up her own glass and sat down. ‘It’s just supper, Jack.’

The black-lashed eyes gleamed as he pulled the tab on the can. ‘But Dad will take it as a sign that you’re thawing towards me. Are you?’ he added.

‘Yes.’ Kate smiled at him cheerfully. ‘I knew I’d upset you and wanted to show I was sorry.’

‘In that case, let’s see if we can manage the rest of the evening without coming to blows.’ He gave her a sharp look. ‘Not that I would ever, in any circumstances, raise a hand to you, Kate.’

‘I know that,’ she said impatiently. ‘You can’t have changed that much.’

His eyes held hers. ‘I haven’t changed at all when it comes to the important things in life.’

‘Neither have I.’ She grinned. ‘As usual, I fancy some Chinese.’

He rolled his eyes. ‘Let me guess—same old sweet and sour pork, spare ribs and spring rolls.’

‘You remember!’ She nodded with enthusiasm. ‘With crispy seaweed on the side and masses of fried rice. I’ve got a menu in the kitchen. Shall I order now? I’m hungry.’

They sat at the kitchen table later, facing each other across a sea of foil dishes. Jack had discarded his jacket and rolled up his shirtsleeves when Kate provided large tea towels in lieu of napkins.

‘Can’t get grease on your bespoke suiting,’ she said briskly.

‘Amen to that. Next time I wear jeans. Because,’ Jack added deliberately, ‘there will be a next time, Kate.’

She shrugged. ‘Why not? No harm in a takeaway now and then.’

They shunted dishes back and forth, emptying them with hunger as Jack told her he’d called in to make sure she hadn’t backed out of the dinner party. Assured that she was looking forward to it with bated breath, he grinned and began to talk about his latest restoration venture. Kate listened with keen interest as he described the transformation of a disused factory into affordable flats.

‘No pricey loft apartments like the one you shared with fiancé mark two,’ he told her, and nodded wryly at her startled look. ‘Oh yes, news filtered through to me eventually. Unlike your banker a lot of people can’t afford that kind of thing, but they still want comfort and style. This project will provide both. The building’s user-friendly, and will include smaller apartments for first time buyers and a children’s nursery school.’

‘Convenient for shopping and schools for older children?’ Kate asked, breaking open a fortune cookie.

‘Only ten minutes from both. The wasteland around it will be landscaped Copyright 2016 - 2024