Million Dollar Christmas Bride - Holly Rayner Page 0,57

paperwork en route. Are you a family member?”

“I’m her son,” Jackson said with a nod.

Bianca’s heart broke for him. She could remember exactly what it felt like to see a parent go through a life-threatening event. She wanted to help, but she didn’t know how.

Once the medics had Mary loaded onto the stretcher, they wasted no time in moving toward the door.

Jackson followed, and Danielle hurried after them. “I’m coming, too,” she said.

Bianca stood still, watching Jackson walk away.

When he was five feet from her, he stopped and turned.

“Can you meet us at the hospital?” he asked. “You and Danielle could travel together.”

Bianca nodded. “Of course,” she whispered. “I’ll be there. Jackson—she’s going to be okay.”

Chapter 19


The lukewarm coffee tasted stale and bitter on her tongue. Bianca swallowed and set the small Styrofoam cup down on the table beside her. On her lap, a magazine was flipped to a spread that covered different ways to declutter living spaces.

She’d started and stopped reading the article several times over the last few hours. Before that, she’d attempted to read other articles from the range of magazines in the small lounge outside of the intensive care unit. Nothing held her attention.

All she could think about was Jackson.

She hadn’t seen him since he ran off behind the medics to accompany his mother to the hospital. One text, which he’d sent to both herself and Danielle, had stated that Mary Wylde was being admitted to the ICU.

Once Bianca and Danielle had finally convinced the hospital staff to allow them to stay in the ICU’s family lounge after waiting hours, they’d hunkered down to wait for another text from Jackson.

Nothing came.

“I can’t stand this,” Danielle said, as she stood up and anxiously ran a hand through her hair. “It’s been six hours since Mom was taken away! What are they doing in there? I’ve texted Jackson two dozen times.”

Bianca was glad that Danielle had agreed to accompany her to the hospital. They’d split a cab, seeing as neither of them had cars readily available. Danielle had not spoken another word about Bianca and Jackson’s scam. Her focus was completely on her mother.

“He might not be allowed to use his phone,” Bianca said, as she searched her bag for a mint. “ICUs usually have really strict rules about that sort of thing.”

“Jackson would find a workaround if he wanted to,” Danielle insisted. “He always does. He should have gotten back to us by now. What’s taking so long?”

It could be any number of things, Bianca thought to herself. Maybe she had to be taken into emergency surgery. Maybe she’s coding right now, and the staff is administering CPR.

Maybe she died.

She didn’t voice any of these dark and worrisome thoughts. She knew it wouldn’t help Danielle at all. Instead she said, “I’m sure he’ll send word soon. He knows we’re here. He asked us to come.”

“Hours ago,” Danielle said. “This is killing me. Seriously. I’ve never been so—” She stopped short, and her expression, which was pinched with annoyance, turned blank. She stared at the doorway to the family lounge.

Bianca turned to see what she was looking at.

Jackson stood in the doorway. He’d removed the jacket of his tux. The sleeves of his button-up white shirt were rolled up to his elbows, exposing tan, strong forearms. His bowtie hung loose around his neck, and his blond hair was a mess. He had one hand in his pocket. With his other, he propped himself against the doorway.

“Sorry for taking so long,” he said. “I tried to get out here earlier, but—”

Bianca stood.

Jackson looked at his sister first. Danielle hurried over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He patted her back. Danielle uttered a soft sob and then took a shuddering breath.

Bianca felt bad for being present during such a vulnerable moment. She averted her eyes.

What am I doing here? she thought. I’m not Jackson’s family. For all I know, I mean very little to him.

I helped by keeping Danielle company here for a few hours. Maybe it’s time for me to take my leave.

She heard Danielle cry again. Jackson murmured something inaudible.

“Is she okay?” Danielle said.

“She’s stable,” Jackson said. “They have her on IV medicine that’s keeping her blood pressure down. She wants to see you.”

Bianca picked up her purse. Jackson and Danielle will go to their mother’s side, she thought. I just have to excuse myself and wish them the best.

She sensed, suddenly, that Jackson was looking at her. A stillness filled the room. She Copyright 2016 - 2024