Million Dollar Christmas Bride - Holly Rayner Page 0,54

a smile on her pink-painted lips. Her shoulders slumped. She allowed herself to feel the depth of her confusion. This is all so wrong, she thought, as she examined her reflection. How can I make it right?

A hotel worker stepped out of a room nearby, and Bianca felt uncomfortable just standing and looking into the mirror as she was. She continued down the hallway.

When she reached the lobby, she found it bustling with activity. Guests were arriving, one after another through the revolving glass doors. Outside, snow was falling.

Bianca could hear Mary Wylde’s voice, so shrill that it seemed to carry above the buzz of conversation. “What a mess the roads are. I knew right when I woke up that it would be like this. I had to call a taxi because I didn’t want to drive. And today, of all days—with so many people traveling into the city for the wedding.” She was speaking to Jackson’s personal assistant, who listened attentively.

Bianca couldn’t hear what the assistant said in response, but she did hear Mary go on. “I wonder if we should delay the ceremony to allow everyone a chance to get here. The interstate westbound is closed due to an accident, and…”

“Bianca?” a man’s voice said.

Bianca turned and saw the officiant that she and Jackson had hired. He approached, wearing a warm smile. “You look lovely. The ceremony will begin soon, and I wanted to go over one thing with you. It occurred to me this morning. Before we get to the part where you and Jackson exchange vows, I’d like to—”

“Excuse me,” Bianca said, before sucking in an inhale. She felt like she had to gasp for air. Her dress felt even tighter now than it had back in the limo. She held up a finger. “Excuse me—I just—” Her heart pounded in her chest.

I have to get out of here, she thought. The sensation was so strong, she almost picked up the hem of her dress and started running toward the hotel lobby exit.

Panic and the need to flee bolted through her core, making it impossible to stand still and listen to the officiant any longer.

She took a step backward. “I’m sorry. Yes. Whatever your idea is, yes… that sounds fine. It’s fine.” She turned on her heel—and almost ran smack into Jackson.

He reached out his hands to steady her. His grip felt warm and sturdy against her bare arms.

“Whoa,” he said. “What’s going on?”

“I have to get out of here,” Bianca said. “A bathroom, or some fresh air, or—” She tried to back up, away from him.

He released her but didn’t step out of her path. “The ceremony is due to start any minute now,” he said quietly, his concern evident.

“I think your mother wants to delay it,” Bianca murmured. “I’ll be back shortly…” Her voice died out. She found she was unable to make even one more excuse. It was all she’d done all day, and she was tired of it. “Jackson,” she said. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

His brow tented. “What are you saying?”

She looked up into his eyes. “We need to talk. Not here, okay?”

Again, she turned. In silence, she led the way back through the hallway that she’d just walked down. By retracing her steps, she was able to find a private alcove near the courtyard where her photoshoot had taken place moments before.

She stepped into the alcove. Jackson joined her. It made her heart ache to breathe in the familiar scent of his cologne.

“I really don’t know if I can do this,” she said, her voice trembling with emotion. She realized she was still holding a bouquet which had been foisted on her earlier. She placed it down on the single table that occupied the small alcove. Though her feet ached due to ill-fitting heels, she was too tense to sit. “All those people out there… I feel like I can’t breathe.”

“My mom’s buying it,” Jackson said. “And it will all be over in a few hours.”

His voice sounded distant and detached. Bianca missed the warm, intimate tone that he’d used with her, back before their night together.

“Don’t do this, please,” she said passionately. “I can’t stand this. Everything has changed between us. That night was a huge mistake.” She took a deep breath, as if preparing to dive into a pool.

Jackson opened his mouth, and Bianca knew he was going to respond. Would he try to soothe her? Try to convince her to go through with the Copyright 2016 - 2024