Million Dollar Christmas Bride - Holly Rayner Page 0,39

indulge just a little more.

“I’ll be right back,” he promised.

Bianca was aware of Jackson walking to the far side of the room, where a bar was located.

She slipped off her boots and pulled off her sweater. At the same time, she began to notice her surroundings.

Jackson’s place was designed in a traditional style; the furniture was brown leather with brass buttons, the floors dark, polished hardwood, and the walls painted pale yellow. Thick wooden beams traversed the high ceilings. The seating area she found herself in was larger than any residential room she’d ever been in. She felt almost like she was a guest visiting yet another wedding venue option. Floor-to-ceiling windows lined one side of the space, and looked out on the sparkling lights of Memphis below.

Jackson had two glasses in his hands as he returned to the couch. He handed one to Bianca, then took a seat next to her.

She wasn’t sure what the amber liquid in the glass was, but it didn’t matter to her. She tipped back a mouthful of it and welcomed the warm burning sensation as it poured down her throat.

After only a sip, she set the glass down on the coffee table nearby. Wordlessly, she moved toward Jackson. He set down his glass as well, and then relaxed against the couch.

“Come here,” he said, his voice low and rumbly.

She didn’t need to be asked twice.

As he climbed on top of him and pressed her mouth to his, it occurred to her that every fantasy she’d had about Jackson, late at night as she drifted off to sleep, was now coming true.

The ecstasy of finally connecting with him in this way filled her up until she was overflowing with it. She lost all sense of time. Her fingers moved against Jackson’s shirt, unfastening the buttons one by one. He pulled her dress over her head. When he shifted and then stood up, beckoning for her to follow him, she had no doubt about where they were heading. She followed him to his bedroom, where he lifted her up and placed her on the bed.

After making love for what felt like hours, Bianca curled up next to Jackson. Her whole body was limp with satisfaction, and sleep curled at the edges of her exhausted mind.

“Good night, beautiful,” Jackson whispered in her ear.

“Good night,” she whispered back. The sheets were silky smooth beneath her bare skin, and she felt completely safe in Jackson’s arms.

If this is what being Jackson’s wife will be like, then I’m the luckiest woman in the world, she thought, as she drifted off into dreams.

Chapter 13


Bianca eased herself off of the bed, hoping not to cause the mattress to move too much. The bed was massive, and Jackson lay sprawled on top of the sheets, the blanket only half covering him. On the floor by the bed was a large cushion where Peaches and Rufus lay, happily sleeping.

Quietly, Bianca tiptoed toward the door. It was early, and pale pink sunlight created a backdrop to the cityscape that she could just barely see through the beige, translucent blinds over the bedroom windows.

Once she reached the doorway, she paused to look over her shoulder. Jackson was still breathing evenly, his muscular chest rising and falling in a steady motion. The sight of him made her heart ache.

He’s so gorgeous, she thought. Last night was amazing. But was it really the right thing to do?

The reckless confidence she’d felt the night before had disappeared along with the stars. She felt confused, lost, and filled with doubt.

He hired me to play a part. I’m basically an actress, she thought. He’s promised to pay me one million dollars once I fulfill my role. Have I messed all of that up?

This concern paled compared to the more major worry that loomed over her still-sleepy mind. We were growing closer. Now that we’ve slept together, will that change?

A noise in a room down the hallway made her jump. She’d thought she was in the apartment alone with Jackson, but apparently that was not the case. The sound of dishes tapping against each other rang out softly from a distant kitchen.

A chef, she thought. Or a maid. Shoot.

She felt entirely too exposed, standing there in her bra and panties. Hurriedly, she tiptoed toward the sitting area where they’d been the night before. This room was even brighter with morning light, and she caught sight of a door that led out to a balcony just beyond the bar area. Various clothing Copyright 2016 - 2024