Million Dollar Christmas Bride - Holly Rayner Page 0,34

water, and the whole world seems friendly. I love being out in nature. I have a canoe, too. Maybe I’ll take you out on it sometime.”

Bianca smiled at this. She liked the idea of being out in a canoe with Jackson. Before she could respond, however, a young woman appeared at the table, carrying a tray and sporting a dazzling smile.

“Hey there!” she said. She set down two shot glasses filled with amber liquid, and Bianca saw that her T-shirt was emblazoned with the name of a popular whiskey company. “Would you two care to sample our newest blended bourbon? We combined five of our most popular bourbons and it has a distinct, unique flavor that I really don’t want you to miss out on.”

Jackson eyed Bianca. “What do you think?”

Bianca’s eyes widened. “I barely ever drink liquor,” she said, “but what the heck?”

The memory of being twenty-four and blasting country music from her car speakers was still on her mind. She remembered how carefree she used to feel; how everything felt like an exciting adventure. Here, sitting with Jackson, she had that same feeling.

She nodded and reached for one of the glasses that the woman had set down. “I’m in,” she said with a grin.

“We’re in!” Jackson said to the whiskey rep. He reached for a glass as well. “Thank you.”

“Sure thing!” the young woman said. “I’ll be around for the next few hours, so just give a shout if you want a second round. And don’t forget to fill out a raffle ticket on your way out!”

She sashayed away, and Jackson lifted his glass. “Cheers,” he said, in an intimate, deep tone that made Bianca melt.

Bianca lifted her glass and gestured upward with it to mirror Jackson. Then she held the shot glass to her lips. The bourbon burned on its way down her throat and made her whole body tingle once she’d swallowed.

“Whew!” she said, shaking her head slightly and reaching for her beer. She sipped, soothing her taste buds.

For the next half hour, they took turns trying to name each aged and dated country song that played. Bianca thought back to memories that she’d not recalled in years. Jackson laughed as he told her about various adventures with friends he’d grown up with, like the time he and two buddies climbed to the top of a water tower and watched the sun come up, or when his dad taught him to drive on a dirt road at the edge of the city.

He’s not just the CEO of a billion-dollar company, she thought to herself as Jackson ordered a burger and fries. He’s more than that. Much more.

Maybe being his fake wife will be kind of fun.

An image of accompanying Jackson on his next canoe ride flashed through her mind.

Bianca was smiling as she ordered her meal. “I’ll take the burger and fries too,” she said. It wasn’t her usual, but she figured she’d give it a shot. Change is in the air, she thought. It’s time to try something new.

“Got it,” the server said. “We’re slammed tonight, so I apologize in advance for the wait. Could be an hour for the cooks to get this out to you.”

“Oh, now this is a good one,” Jackson said, once the server departed. He hummed along to the chorus of the song. “‘Out Across the County Line.’ Remember this one?”

Bianca nodded her head and started to sing along as the next verse started up. When Jackson joined in, she couldn’t help but smile. As far as she was concerned, the cooks could take as long as they wanted to prepare their burgers. She was happier than she’d ever been, just sitting right there with Jackson.

Chapter 11


Three Weeks Later

Jackson scanned the parked cars in the lot. The gravel area in front of the Dove Meadows Dog Park contained about a half dozen cars, but he didn’t see Bianca’s beat-up coupe.

“She’s not here yet,” he said to Rufus, who was sitting up attentively, panting with his tongue extended.

Rufus whined and eyed the lot’s entrance as Jackson pulled into a spot.

Given that it was now mid-December, the temperatures outside were cool. Folks walking their dogs from the gravel lot to the fenced area beyond wore puffy, colorful coats, and hats to protect them from the mild chill in the air. It was nearing two, and Bianca had promised to meet Jackson at the park entrance at two fifteen so that they could let the dogs romp before the busy afternoon of checking Copyright 2016 - 2024