Million Dollar Christmas Bride - Holly Rayner Page 0,31

him, filled with numbers and charts. A half dozen employees sat around the table, taking notes on laptops while Jackson spoke.

At the sight of Bianca, Jackson stopped talking. He smiled and gave her a wink. “All set in there?” he asked.

She nodded, feeling slightly self-conscious as heads around the room turned to examine her. “Yes, all set. The papers are on your desk.”

“Great,” Jackson said warmly. Then to his team he said. “That’s a wrap, folks. Let’s get back to it later this week. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.”

He walked toward Bianca. The employees spoke softly to one another as they packed laptops up into cases. Bianca noticed at least two of the women in the room give her envious glances. It was clear they wished that Jackson would look at them in the way that he was currently looking at Bianca.

He really is giving me quite a look, Bianca realized, as Jackson strode toward her. His eyes held attraction, longing, and desire. He was walking toward her as if she was a familiar person in his life, and someone that he wanted—very badly—to see.

“You didn’t have to end your meeting for me,” Bianca said when he joined her at the door.

“Of course I did. We’re entering into a business agreement together. I think we should go seal the deal with some drinks—celebrate that stack of papers you just signed.”

“A beer would be nice,” Bianca admitted. Maybe a drink would wash away some of the legal jargon that crowded the corners of her brain. “And I could use a bite to eat, too.”

“I know just the place,” Jackson said. “It’s right down the block. The beers are cold, the food is hot, and the service is friendly.”

“Can’t beat that,” Bianca said.

As they rode the elevator down to the first floor, Jackson asked her what she thought about the papers she’d read over. She found it easy to fill him in on her thoughts—she appreciated his professionalism, but some of the scenarios mentioned were entirely unlikely and seemed ridiculous to prohibit.

“Of course I’m not going to write a book about what we’re doing,” she said in a hushed tone as they crossed the lobby and exited out onto the street. “I barely like to write birthday cards. Why would I write a novel?”

“I asked my team to be thorough,” Jackson said with a laugh. “And they were. Thanks for going through all that. Hey, how did Peaches do after her playdate on Sunday? Rufus was beat. He slept like a log that night.”

“Peaches never sleeps soundly,” Bianca said. “I think it’s because she’s addicted to cuddling. She wiggles all over the bed until her head is right under my hand, no matter how I’m positioned. I’ve practically learned to pet her in my sleep.”

For the next few minutes, Bianca continued to fill Jackson in on her dog’s quirks, and he laughed, asked questions, and told her about a few of Rufus’s odd habits, too.

When he turned left at the end of the block, Bianca recognized her surroundings. “Hey, I didn’t realize your headquarters were so close to Kirkwood Avenue. One of my favorite bars is on this block!”

“Really?” Jackson said. “It does have a few great places. My go-to hangout is just down the way. It’s awesome because they allow dogs in the outside area.”

Bianca had to laugh. “You’re talking about Corner Bar, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” Jackson said with a grin. “It’s a great place. Rufus loves it.”

Bianca shook her head and smiled. “That’s the bar I was talking about! I go there all the time. How is it that I’ve never seen you there?”

She felt her mood elevating due to the coincidence. What were the chances that of all the restaurants and bars in Memphis, she and Jackson frequented the same one? And how in the world had she not caught sight of him before? His good looks were eye-catching, to say the least.

They reached the bar’s entrance, and Jackson didn’t pause before leading the way to a table that was positioned to the left of the entryway. The table was at the far end of the seating area and looked out at the street. He perched on one of the tall chairs as if he owned it; it was clear he’d taken the same position hundreds, maybe thousands of times.

And just like that, Bianca knew why she’d never seen him at the bar before.

She giggled as she took a seat opposite him at the table. “You Copyright 2016 - 2024