Million Dollar Christmas Bride - Holly Rayner Page 0,2

smashed in, and there was a significant dent in the trunk. In contrast, her car only had a minor dent on the hood. The car was so old that it was barely noticeable, anyway.

The man went on. “That should be no problem.” He pulled his phone from his gray wool jacket.

She noticed, as he held his device, that he didn’t wear a wedding band.

“Ready when you are,” he said.

“Okay…” She rattled off her number. Though she tried to keep her tone even and calm, it was tight with nervousness and she spoke too fast. Sheesh! she thought. It’s been way too long since I’ve given a good-looking man my number.

He seemed to sense her giddy energy. He gave her that one-sided, lip-curled smile again and said in his slow, easy way, “What name should I put that under?”

“Bianca,” she said. “Bianca Jones. Call me in the morning and I’ll have everything ready.”

She backed up. It was difficult to stand next to the handsome stranger and breathe at the same time. She felt weak at her knees. At least I have a good story to tell Nicky, she thought, as she backed up some more until she bumped into her car.

“Oof!” she said with surprise. Then she laughed nervously and reached for the door handle.

Wow, she thought. I’m acting like a lovestruck teenager! You’d think I’d never spoken to an attractive man before. She shook her head as she pulled open the car door.

I’ve got to get out more. When was the last time I went on a date?

Ah yes… June.

And now it’s November!

I’ll organize a girls’ night out with some of the ladies from work, she thought. We’ll go dancing or something like that…

She inserted her key into the ignition and gave it a turn. As the engine rumbled to life, her windshield wipers flicked into motion. She peered through the dancing blades at the man, who was examining the rear of his car.

She couldn’t help but stare for a moment. So gorgeous, she thought, as she caught sight of his profile. She bit her lip and zoned out, taking in the sight of him.

He turned and caught her ogling, which made her blush. I said I was in a rush, so I better get on with it, she thought. She pulled away from the curb and gave the man a wave as she passed by him.

Nicky is just going to die when I tell her that I got into a fender bender with the hottest guy in Memphis! she thought with a smile.

The man lifted a hand and waved before resuming the examination of his car.

That is, if I even get to talk to Nicky before Gail catches me, Bianca thought, as her smile faded into a worried frown.

Chapter 2


Jackson looked up from his car in time to see the woman lift a dainty, pale hand and wave. He reflexively mirrored the gesture, all the while taking in one last impression of her face.

Her skin was as white as polished marble, her eyes green, and her hair—what little he could see of it beneath the hood of her jacket—was auburn and fell in soft waves around her face. Even though much of her appearance was obscured by the jacket and the baggy drape of her maroon work scrubs, he could tell she was pretty.

He smiled to himself as he went back to examining the mess of broken glass that used to be a functioning taillight.

She was sweet, he thought, as he recalled the way she’d looked at him with big, pleading eyes, through lashes that were beaded with rain, and asked to take care of the matter of insurance in the morning. Jackson had no doubt that she intended to keep her promise to call her insurance company once she was through with work. She’s trustworthy, he thought.

He usually had good instincts when it came to people. A few serious mistakes when first taking over his father’s business had led him to hone his skills at reading others. Bianca struck him as a sincere and honest person.

A bit frazzled, but in a nice way, he thought with a bemused smile as he got back into his car.

He pulled into traffic and had only been driving for five minutes when a ringtone interrupted the country song playing in the car’s speakers, alerting him to an incoming call.

Danielle, the caller ID on the dashboard said.

Jackson pressed a button on his steering wheel, and the sound of his sister’s voice floated through Copyright 2016 - 2024