Million Dollar Christmas Bride - Holly Rayner Page 0,12

outside away from all the action.

“What do you mean?” Bianca asked.

“You know how Kurt just got that job as produce manager over at the Wylde’s on Brunswick Street?” Sandy asked. She eyed Bianca, as if waiting for Bianca to put the pieces together.

This was the first time that Bianca had even considered that Jackson had the same last name as the popular grocery store chain. She’d figured it was a common enough last name, so she hadn’t even batted an eye. “Yeah?” she said.

“Well… Kurt mentioned about how it’s a family-owned place. The CEO is a nice guy named Jackson Wylde that stops by the store now and then to see how everything is going.”

It was Bianca’s turn to raise her eyebrows with surprise. “Wait—you’re telling me that Jackson is the owner of that mega-popular business?” She could barely believe this. But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. He did carry himself with confidence, and he dressed as if he had all the money in the world to throw at his wardrobe.

“No wonder I thought he was a celebrity!” she murmured. “He practically is!”

“One of the wealthiest men in Tennessee, surely,” Sandy said happily. She squealed. “Oh, lucky you! This is like Christmas has come early. I’m so happy for you.”

“It’s just a date,” Bianca said. “It’s not like I’m marrying the guy.”

“Well, if you two hit it off, maybe you will!”

Bernard gave a series of staccato barks, and Bianca peeked through the front window to see what the change in his tune was all about. She saw a red Porsche pull up to the curb, and she clearly made out Jackson’s profile in the driver’s seat as he put the car into park.

“Shoot, that’s him!” she said, suddenly flustered. “I’ve got to get my earrings in, and I’ve barely even put makeup on!”

“Oh, honey, you don’t need makeup,” Sandy said. “You have a natural glow to you. You have fun tonight and I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

Bianca rushed off to her bedroom to grab her earrings, having decided on a set of clear diamond-like studs that her mother had given her when she graduated from high school. By the time she returned to the living room, Jackson was on her front porch. He knocked twice. Bianca smoothed a flyaway lock of hair and then checked her reflection before pulling the door open.

Jackson rocked back on his heels slightly as he took in the sight of her.

Bianca blushed, catching the way his eyes moved swiftly over her. She hurried out the door, self-conscious of the way the interior of her little cottage looked. Though she’d tidied up, the place was far from sparkling clean. She was used to living with just Peaches for company, and the realization of Jackson’s wealth made her feel embarrassed about her shabby furniture and dog-worn wood floors.

“Thanks for coming by to get me,” she said, as she stepped out onto the front porch and pulled the door closed behind her. “I hope that St. Bernard didn’t give you too much trouble on your way up the walk.”

“His owner kept him on a tight leash,” Jackson said. “Is he yours?”

“Nope. Mine’s the golden, Peaches. That was my neighbor Sandy. She comes by to walk the dogs most days, especially if I’m working a long shift.”

Bianca felt herself relax as Jackson asked her more about Peaches. She was happy to tell the tale of the day she picked Peaches up from the shelter, then share some of the adventures that the two of them had had together in the years since.

When Jackson pulled into a parking spot near the dock where the cruise boat left from, Bianca remarked that they were lucky to get parking so close to the river’s shore. Jackson had informed her that the reservations were for a six thirty departure, and it was getting toward that time.

“I always see such a crowd on these docks around the time that the boat takes off,” Bianca remarked. The cruise boat, The Memphis Sightseer, floated on the dark waters of the Mississippi River nearby.

“There won’t be a crowd tonight,” Jackson said, as he offered up his elbow.

Bianca looped her arm through his and looked up at him. “Why not?” she asked.

“I didn’t just reserve a table,” Jackson said casually as he led the way toward the boarding ramp. “I went ahead and reserved the whole boat.”

A crew member in a white polo shirt greeted them with a nod. Copyright 2016 - 2024