Midnight Tides & The Bonehunters - By Steven Erikson Page 0,44

Of course the darkness of its heart is impenetrable – how could we have guessed that a holy site hid within it?'

'A holy site? In absolute darkness?'

'The significance of that,' Fear said, 'will be made evident soon enough, Trull.'

They began walking, eldest brother in the lead. Into the forest, onto a trail leading northwest. 'Fear,' Trull said, 'has Uruth spoken to you of the Stone Bowl before?'

'I am Weapons Master,' Fear replied. 'There were rites to observe ...'

Among them, Trull knew, the memorization of every battle the Edur ever fought. He then wondered why that thought had come to him, in answer to Fear's words. What hidden linkages was his own mind seeking to reveal, and why was he unable to discern them?

They continued on, avoiding pools of moonlight unbroken by shadows. Tomad forbade us this journey,' Trull said after a time.

'In matters of sorcery,' Fear said, 'Uruth is superior to Tomad.'

'And this is a matter of sorcery?'

Rhulad snorted behind Trull. 'You stood with us in the Warlock King's longboat.'

'I did,' agreed Trull. 'Fear, would Hannan Mosag approve of what we do, of what Uruth commands of us?'

Fear said nothing.

'You,' Rhulad said, 'are too filled with doubt, brother. It binds you in place—'

'I watched you walk the path to the chosen cemetery, Rhulad. After Dusk's departure and before the moon's rise.'

If Fear reacted to this, his back did not reveal it, nor did his steps falter on the trail.

'What of it?' Rhulad asked, his tone too loose, too casual.

'My words, brother, are not to be answered with flippancy.'

'I knew that Fear was busy overseeing the return of weapons to the armoury,' Rhulad said. 'And I sensed a malevolence prowling the darkness. And so I stood in hidden vigil over his betrothed, who was alone in the cemetery. I may be unblooded, brother, but I am not without courage. I know you believe that inexperience is the soil in which thrive the roots of false courage. But I am not false, no matter what you think. For me, inexperience is unbroken soil, not yet ready for roots. I stood in my brother's place.'

'Malevolence in the night, Rhulad? Whose?'

'I could not be certain. But I felt it.'

'Fear,' Trull said, 'have you no questions for Rhulad on this matter?'

'No,' Fear replied drily. 'There is no need for that ... when you are around.'

Trull clamped his mouth shut, thankful that the night obscured the flush on his face.

There was silence for some time after that.

The trail began climbing, winding among outcrops of lichen-skinned granite. They climbed over fallen trees here and there, scrambled up steep slides. The moon's light grew diffuse, and Trull sensed it was near dawn by the time they reached the highest point of the trail.

The path now took them inland – eastward – along a ridge of toppled trees and broken boulders. Water trapped in depressions in the bedrock formed impenetrable black pools that spread across the trail. The sky began to lighten overhead.

Fear then led them off the path, north, across tumbled scree and among the twisted trees. A short while later Kaschan Trench was before them.

A vast gorge, like a knife's puncturing wound in the bedrock, its sides sheer and streaming with water, it ran in a jagged line, beginning beneath Hasana Inlet half a day to the west, and finally vanishing into the bedrock more than a day's travel to the east. They were at its widest point, two hundred or so paces across, the landscape opposite slightly higher but otherwise identical – scattered boulders looking as if they had been pushed up from the gorge and mangled trees that seemed sickened by some unseen breath from the depths.

Fear unclasped his cloak, dropped his pack and walked over to a misshapen mound of stones. He cleared away dead branches and Trull saw that the stones were a cairn of some sort. Fear removed the capstone, and reached down into the hollow beneath. He lifted clear a coil of knotted rope.

'Remove your cloak and your weapons,' he said as he carried the coil to the edge.

He found one end and tied his pack, cloak, sword and spear to it. Trull and Rhulad came close with their own gear and all was bound to the rope. Fear then began lowering it over the side.

'Trull, take this other end and lead it to a place of shadow. A place where the shadow will not retreat before the sun as the day passes.'

He picked up the rope end and walked to

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