Midnight Tides & The Bonehunters - By Steven Erikson Page 0,388

rediscovering my hatred for you, too, Claw.'

'You say the sweetest things. Anyway, the bald one's Tayschrenn, with Hattar and Kiska this time, meaning he's serious about the risks. Oh, why did they have to do this, now?'

'Do what now?'

'Whatever it is they're doing, of course.'

'So run back to Laseen like the eager puppy you are, Pearl, and tell her all about it.'

He edged back down the side of the ridge, twisted round and sat up. 'No need for haste. I have to think.'

Lostara clambered down the slope until she could stand. She began scratching under her armour. 'Well, I'm not waiting around for that. I need a milk bath, with escura leaves, and I need it now.'

He watched her stalk away, back towards the encampment. A nice walk, apart from the sudden twitches.

A simple cantrip, keeping the fleas away from his body. Perhaps he should have extended the courtesy to her.

No. This is much better.

Gods, we're made for each other.


Yareth Ghanatan, the city stands still

First and last and where the old causeway

Curves in its half-circle there are towers

Of sand seething with empires and

Marching armies, broken wing banners

And the dismembered lining the walkways

Are soon the bones of the edifices, warriors

And builders both, the city ever stands

To house insect hordes, oh those towers

Rear so proud, rising as dreams on the

Heated breath of the sun, Yareth Ghanatan.

The city is the empress, wife and lover,

Crone and child of the First Empire,

And I yet remain, with all my kin,

The bones in the walls, the bones

Beneath the floor, the bones that cast

Down this gentle shade – first and last,

I see what comes, all that has gone,

And the clay of my flesh has felt your hands

The old warmth of life, for the city,

My city, it stands still, and it stands,

Stands ever still.

Bones in the Walls

(stela fragment, circa First Empire)

Author unknown

'I can be this urn.'

'You don't want to be that urn.'

'It's got legs.'

'Stubby ones, and I don't think they move. They're just for show. I remember things like that.'

'But it's pretty.'

'And she pees in it.'

'Pees? Are you sure? Have you seen her pee in it?'

'Take a look, Curdle. That's her pee in it. You don't want to be that urn. You want something alive. Really alive, with legs that work. Or wings ...'

They were still whispering when Apsalar removed the last bar in the window and set it down. She climbed onto the sill, twisting sideways to reach up to the nearest roof-post.

'Where are you going?' Telorast demanded.

'To the roof.'

'Shall we join you?'


Apsalar pulled herself upward and moments later was crouched on the sun-baked clay, the stars glistening overhead. Dawn was not far off, and the city below was silent and motionless like a thing dead in the night. Ehrlitan. The first city they had come to in this land, the city where this particular journey had begun, a group fated to break apart beneath a host of burdens. Kalam Mekhar, Fiddler, Crokus and herself. Oh, Crokus had been so angry to discover that their companions had come with hidden motives – not just escorting her home, not just righting an old wrong. He had been so naive.

She wondered how he was faring, thought to ask Cotillion the next time the god visited, then decided she would not do so. It would not do to let herself continue to care about him; even to think on him, achieving little more than loosing the flood-gates of yearning, desire and regret.

Other, more immediate issues demanded her thought. Mebra. The old spy was dead, which was what Shadowthrone had wanted, although the why of it escaped Apsalar. Granted, Mebra had been working all sides, serving the Malazan Empire at one moment, Sha'ik's cause the next. And ... someone else. That someone else's identity was important, and, she suspected, it was the true reason for Shadowthrone's decision.

The Nameless Ones? Had the Semk assassin been sent to cover a trail? Possible, and it made sense. No witnesses, the man had said. To what? What service could Mebra have provided the Nameless Ones? Hold off pursuing an answer to that. Who else?

Adherents to the old cult of Shadow in Seven Cities no doubt remained, survivors of the purges that had accompanied the conquest. Another possible employer of Mebra's many skills, and more likely to have caught Shadowthrone's attention, as well as his ire.

She had been told to kill Mebra. She had not been told why, nor had she been told to initiate any investigations on her own. Suggesting Shadowthrone felt he knew enough.

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