Midnight Tides & The Bonehunters - By Steven Erikson Page 0,170

when he just ups and pokes holes in them!'

Tehol swung to his manservant. 'Bugg, are we going to get out of here alive?'

'Hard to say, master.'

'All because you poked that secretary in the eyes?'

Bugg shrugged.

'Touchy, aren't they?'

'So it seems, master. Best get on with the offer, don't you think?'

'Good idea. Diversion, yes indeed.'

'You idiots,' Onyx said. 'We can hear you!'

'Excellent!' Tehol stepped forward, carefully, so as to avoid crushing the seething carpet of rats. Gentle nudging aside with the toe of his moccasin seemed to suffice. 'To wit. I need every tribal refugee in the city ushered out. Destination? The islands. Particular islands, details forthcoming. I need full resources shipped ahead of them, said supplies to be purchased by myself. You will work with Bugg here on the logistics. Second, I understand you are conducting an investigation into disappearances for the Crown. No doubt you're telling them nothing of your findings. I, on the other hand, want to know those findings. Third, I want my back protected. In a short while, there will be people who will want to kill me. You are to stop them. Thus, my contract offer. Half a peak and a list of safe investments, and as to that last point, I suggest you follow my financial advice to the letter and swallow the expense—'

'You want to be our financial adviser?' Onyx asked in clear disbelief. 'Those losses—'

'Could have been avoided, had we been engaged in a closer relationship back then, such as the one we are about to enter into.'

'What about those refugees who are Indebted?' Ormly asked. 'Having them all disappear could cause another crash in the Tolls.'

'It won't, because the trickle is to be so slow that no-one notices—'

'How could they not notice?'

'They will be ... distracted.'

'You've got something ugly planned, haven't you, Tehol Beddict?' Ormly's small eyes glittered. 'Meaning what happened the first time wasn't no accident. Wasn't incompetence neither. You just found yourself with a string in your hand, which you then tugged to see how much would unravel. You know what you're telling us? You're telling us you're the most dangerous man in Lether. Why would we ever let you walk out of this chamber?'

'Simple. This time I'm taking my friends with me. So the question is, are you my friends?'

'And what if our Chief Investigator investigates you right here and right now?'

'My scheme is already under way, Champion Ormly, whether I stay alive or not. It's going to happen. Of course, if I die, then nobody escapes what's coming.'

'Hold on,' Onyx said. 'You said something about expense. You becoming our financial adviser is going to cost us?'

'Well, naturally.'

'How much?'

'A quarter of a peak or thereabouts.'

'So you pay us half and we pay you back a quarter.'

'And so you come out ahead.'

'He's got a point,' Scint said, snatching a rat from the table and biting its head off.

Everyone stared, including a roomful of rats.

Scint noticed, chewed for a moment, making crunching sounds, then said around a mouthful of rat head, 'Sorry. Got carried away.' He looked down at the headless corpse in his hand, then tucked it into his shirt and out of sight.

From where Glisten sat came a plaintive sound, then, 'What did that rat ever do to you, Scinty?'

Scint swallowed. 'I said sorry!'

Tehol leaned close to Bugg and whispered, 'If you could poke any of them in the eyes ...'

'Three of 'em would likely complain, master.'

'Can I guess?'

'Go ahead.'

'Ormly, Bubyrd and Rucket.'

'I'm impressed.'

'What are you two whispering about?' Onyx demanded. Tehol smiled at her. 'Do you accept my offer?'

Brys found the Ceda in his work room, hunched over an upended crab lying on the table. He had removed the flat carapace covering the underside and was prodding organs with a pair of copper probes. The crab appeared to be dead.

Burners had been lit beneath a cauldron behind Kuru Qan, and the lid was rocking to gusts of steam.

'Finadd, this array of organs is fascinating. But I'm distracting myself. Shouldn't do that, not at this critical juncture.' He set the instruments down and picked up the crab. 'What have you to tell me?'

Brys watched the Ceda nudge the cauldron's lid aside then drop the crab in. 'The Azath tower is dead.'

Kuru Qan pushed the lid back into place then walked back to sit in his chair. He rubbed at his eyes. 'What physical evidence is there?'

'Little, admittedly. But a child is resident there, on the grounds,' Brys replied. 'The tower was in some sort of communication with her.'

'The role

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