Midnight Tides & The Bonehunters - By Steven Erikson Page 0,150

The world is not as it seems. We are fools, all of us. Such ... stupidity.' In the same low tone he continued, 'Kneel before me, Hannan Mosag. It is not so much to surrender, is it? We shall know power. We shall be as we once were, as we were meant to be. Kneel, Warlock King, and receive my blessing.'

The head lifted once more, a flash of gold in the gloom. 'Binadas. You know pain, a wound resisting mending. Come forward, and I will release you from that pain. I will heal the damage.'

Binadas frowned. 'You know nothing of sorcery, Rhulad—'

'Come here!' The shriek echoed in the vast chamber.

Binadas flinched, then limped closer.

Rhulad's golden hand snapped out, fingers slashing across his brother's chest. The faintest of touches, and Binadas reeled back. Fear rushed close to hold him upright. Eyes wide, Binadas righted himself. He said nothing, but it was clear as he straightened that the pain in his hip was gone. Tremors shook him.

'Thus,' Rhulad said in a whisper. 'Come, my brothers. It is time.'

Trull cleared his throat. He had to speak. He had to ask his questions, to say what no-one else would say. 'We saw you dead.'

'And I have returned.'

'By the power of the sword you hold, Rhulad? Why would this ally give the Edur such a thing? What does that ally hope to gain? Brother, the tribes have been unified. We have won our peace—'

'You are the weakest of us, Trull. Your words betray you. We are Tiste Edur. Have you forgotten what that means? I think you have.' He looked round. 'I think you all have. Six pathetic tribes, six pathetic kings. Hannan Mosag knew a greater ambition. Sufficient to conquer. He was necessary, but he cannot achieve what must come now.'

Trull could hear the brother he knew in Rhulad's words, but something new was threaded through them. Strange, poisonous roots – was this the voice of power?

Dull clicking of coin edges, as Rhulad faced the silent crowd beyond the inner circle. 'The Edur have lost sight of their destiny. The Warlock King would twist you away from what must be. My brothers and sisters – all of you here are that to me, and more. I shall be your voice. Your will. The Tiste Edur have journeyed beyond kings and warlock kings. What awaits us is what we once possessed, yet lost long ago. Of what am I speaking, brothers and sisters? I shall give answer. Empire.'

Trull stared at Rhulad. Empire. And for every empire ... there is an emperor.

Kneel, Rhulad had commanded. Of Hannan Mosag. Of everyone here. Tiste Edur do not kneel before mere kings...

Fear spoke. 'You would be emperor, Rhulad?'

His brother swung to face him and spread his arms in a deprecating gesture. 'Do I make you want to turn away in horror, Fear? In revulsion? Oh, but did not that slave fashion well? Am I not a thing of beauty?'

There was an edge of hysteria in the tone.

Fear made no reply.

Rhulad smiled and continued, 'I should tell you, the weight no longer drags at me. I feel ... unburdened. Yes, my brother, I find myself pleased. Oh, does that shock you? Why? Can you not see my wealth? My armour? Am I not a bold vision of an Edur warrior?'

'I am not sure,' Fear replied, 'what I am seeing. Is it truly Rhulad who dwells within that body?'

'Die, Fear, and claw your way back. Then ask yourself if the journey has not changed you.'

'Did you find yourself among our ancestors?' Fear asked.

Rhulad's answering laugh was brutal. He swung the sword into the air, twisting the blade into a wild salute, revealing a grace with the weapon that Trull had never before seen in his brother. 'Our ancestors! Proud ghosts. They stood in ranks ten thousand deep! Roaring their welcome! Blooded kin was I, worthy to join them in their stalwart defence of precious memories. Against that vast host of ignorance. Oh yes, Fear, it was a time of such glory.'

'Then, by your tone, Rhulad, you would challenge all that we hold dear. You would deny our beliefs—'

'And who among you can gainsay me?'

'The shadow wraiths—'

'Are Tiste Andii, brother. Slaves to our will. And I will tell you this: those who serve us died by our hands.'

'Then where are our ancestors?'

'Where?' Rhulad's voice was a rasp. 'Where? Nowhere, brother. They are nowhere. Our souls flee our bodies, flee this world, for we do not belong here. We have never belonged here.'


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