Midnight Sun Page 0,271

twitched up. ...maybe Bella in the passenger seat. The mental image was enough to make him move closer to our dancing forms.

Bella and I continued to spin without effort on the dance floor, but my eyes never left Jacob for more than a fraction of a second. My possessive side started to creep up as I watched him walked towards us.

Bella noticed my distraction. "What is it?" she looked at me curiously.

I didn't answer. She looked over her shoulder and then continued to try and focus her eyes through our continuous gyrate. Jacob continued to move towards us. His face displayed his thoughts of distress and discomfort.

Come on, Jacob. Pull yourself together! He frantically tried to calm himself. He's not actually a vampire.

He was wrong about that.

Just do it. Ask if you can cut in. I can just relay the message from dad. Jacob looked at Bella. Wow! She is positively the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. He blinked to clear his eyes, trying to get a better visual on her. Man, this is going to suck. I'm sorry, oh man I am so sorry, Bella.

A snarl came burning up my throat, but I was able to stifle most of the noise.

"Behave!" Bella hissed at me in reproach.

Behave? I wanted to argue but he was only two feet away.

Just cut in and get it over with. This is so embarrassing. Jacob's eyebrows pulled together in concentration. 'Hey, Bella. Just break up with your boyfriend...please.' He shook his head. This isn't going to be good.

Anger boiled under my cold skin. "He wants to chat with you." The severity of my thoughts was obvious in my voice.

You made it this far. Just ask. Jacob was now standing next to us.

I stopped our dancing, trying to...behave.

"Hey, Bella," Jacob addressed her, completely ignoring me. "I was hoping you would be here." Jacob lied as he smiled brightly at Bella.

"Hi, Jacob." Bella beamed back. "What's up?"

Why did she have to return his smile? She never greeted other males so warmly. What was so special about this...Jacob Black? She was just being polite. That was all.

"Can I cut in?" he asked hesitantly, swiveling towards me.

I gritted my teeth. Behave...behave...behave, I chanted over and over in my head in Bella's delicate voice. This planned conversation was angering me and now he was asking me to break my promise to Bella.

Refusing to let Jacob see my growing irritation, I kept my face absent of emotion. I knew if I were to open my mouth words not appropriate to say in front of a lady would spill out. So, instead, I just carefully placed her back on her feet and took a step backwards, my teeth still clenched tight enough to crush diamonds.

"Thanks," Jacob said pleasantly. That was easier than I imagined.

Taking a steadying breath, I nodded once and turned to walk away. Moving through the crowd I positioned myself so I could see and hear their exchange.

Venom filled my mouth when Jacob put his hands on her waist. Jealousy ripped at me when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Without thinking, I was pushing my way back through the crowd. I was irate.

"Emmett," Alice nodded towards me. "Stop him."

He's just a kid, Edward, she reminded me.

Before I reached them, strong arms were binding me to the spot. Emmett chuckled. "Tisk tisk, bro. Here? In this crowd? Can't you pick another time to rip his arms off?"

He let go when I froze.

"I'd like to do that now," I glanced quickly towards Alice's twirling form.

You were about to do something really stupid. Trust me on that. Alice explained.

A hard laugh came from my left. "Not a chance." Emmett smirked. "Now calm down. What would Bella think?" He looked at me in mock horror.

I looked away.

It was so odd to feel this infuriated over something as small as a dance. His hands were gripping her on her waist. I wanted to grip him around his throat. I wanted him so far away from her that the wish was a strong flavor on my tongue. I was automatically sorting through the range of tortures I would bring upon him.

"Jeez, Edward. Calm down," Emmett muttered, his hand on my shoulder - restraining me. My face in his mind was showing nothing but a murderous glare.

I settled on eavesdropping. Emmett leaned against the wall beside me.

"Wow, Jake, how tall are you now?" Bella looked up at Jacobs towering frame.

I growled and Emmett patted my shoulder in understanding. I deal with this kind

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