Midnight Sun Page 0,267

her pouty bottom lip.

"I don't know about that. I told him to keep it in a fifteen mile radius."

"Ugh!" Bella groaned. "Did he tell you?"

During their banter I had made it quickly up the sidewalk and was standing outside the door, thoroughly enjoying their conversation.

"Nope. Not even a hint," I heard him chuckle.

"This is so annoying," she huffed.

I knocked lightly on the door, which was quickly yanked open to a smiling Charlie.

Bella was sitting on the couch, her head placed on top of her hands - which were intertwined like she was praying - with a look of pure devastation on her face. I laughed.

"Are you going to tell me now?" Her chin jutted out.

I shook my head, chuckling.

She folded her arms. "Fine."

Stepping around Charlie, I brought Bella into a deep embracing hug, like I hadn't seen her in months. Her tiny arms wrapped around me fiercely and she smiled reluctantly.

"Alice is waiting for you," I kissed her forehead and let her fragrance tingle my throat pleasantly.

Alice had become the best friend to Bella that she always envisioned, minus the scarlet red eyes - which I continually refused to give her, regardless of Bella and Alice's pleas. Though it pained me to see Bella's delicate leg casted on a daily basis, I knew that my sister was taking care of her during hours I wasn't allowed into the Swan house.

I shook my head to try and dispel thoughts of Alice, now, who is planning on entrapping Bella in her gym sized closet for hours today while I go out hunting with Jasper and Emmett. Her not-so-sneaky-way of telling Bella about the transformation process of how to become a vampire was her way of taking the strain of that kind of conversation off of myself by having Bella ask me. What she seemed to not be able to comprehend is that I didn't want to have that conversation, not just because I didn't want to bring it up, but because I never wanted to have that conversation in the first place.

"You take care of my girl," Charlie commanded. "Have fun at prom," he whispered so low Bella couldn't hear.

"Yes, sir."

Charlie shut the door behind us as I let Bella brace all of her weight on me and then helped her into the car.

After I dropped a scowling Bella off at my house, Emmett, Jasper and I went hunting. The trip was short lived and desperately needed. It had been almost two weeks, and I was thirstier than I thought. The warm blood of the elk soothed the ache, though it would never fully rid me of it.

"It's prom night..." Emmett chuckled on the way back home. "You know what that means?"

Oh, haha. Funny. Jasper laughed along with Emmett.

I frowned at them.

"Oh come on, Edward!" Emmett raised his hands in faux exasperation. "Did you get a hotel room or were you planning on doing it in the car?" Emmett guffawed stupidly for several minutes at his own joke.

"I'm not going to...have sex with her, Emmett." I said through clenched teeth.

"Well what do you do with her all those nights in her room?"

Jasper and Emmett were doubled over in laughter now.

"That's it!" I snapped. My foot slammed on the break and Emmett's head hit the roll bar on the jeep, putting a deep dent in it.

This time, I laughed.

"Dammit, Edward!" He screamed at me while Jasper continued to laugh insanely loud.

I looked in the rear view mirror. "You're next!" I warned Jasper.

He put his lips together in an attempt to stop his laughter, but couldn't hold it in any longer and his breath came whooshing out along with more cackling. Instead of getting even, I couldn't help myself and I joined in on the laughter while Emmett glared at me.

Rose is going to kick my ass for this.

"Yup," I replied and Emmett mock punched me in the arm.

The rest of the drive continued like this...Emmett making a sex joke, Jasper nodding in agreement and grinning widely at me in the rear view mirror while I swerved once making Jasper's head break through the hard top on the Jeep.

When we finally arrived back home, we found Rosalie scowling in the garage in her scarlet dress that fell flawlessly over her body. Emmett jumped out of the Jeep and whistled. He tried to give her a hug but she backed away.

"Ew! Take a shower and get changed. Bella is already ready," she sneered her name. I frowned at her but she just turned and got

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