Midnight Sun Page 0,249

casted shadows through the hospital room. Renée refused to leave Bella's side for any period of time. I let her have my seat next to Bella but continued to stay in the room, sitting in the corner quietly listening to Renée's thoughts whirl through her child like mind. She was unlike Bella in every way; she even sensed danger when it came to the Cullen's, unlike Bella.

My poor baby...what time is it? She looked towards the clock. Eleven. Charlie should be here shortly. I'm going to have to have a talk with him. Her thoughts then became a little disjointed in anger as she thought of her daughter falling down two sets of stairs because she had run away from Forks. Forks, she scoffed internally. I knew this wasn't a good idea. I warned her. I told her she didn't have to leave. What kind of mother am I to condemn my child to a place like Forks?

Ignoring her constant prattling, I continued to stare, fixated on Bella, waiting for her eyes to open, willing them to just flutter. I couldn't see the clock that was over my head, but I was counting every second as they passed. It was easy to keep track because my only focal point was Bella and how long she had been devoid of consciousness. It had now been exactly 39,982...83...84 seconds since we arrived at the hospital.

Her heart thrummed evenly as her scent was beginning to slowly return to her. The sweet nectar that was her life filled the room with the delicious aroma. Craving the sweetness, I brought the scent into my lungs, letting my throat burst into flames.

It was only two hours ago that she finished her second blood transfusion and I was afraid her scent would forever be a pitiful imitation of the luscious blood pulsating through her body. It felt like my body was undergoing physical suffering owing to her condition. Her blood deficient was because of me; a creature so monstrous that I preyed on this innocent creature by allowing her to become a part of my life. More than that, she was my life.

My phone lightly vibrated in my jeans pocket -distracting me from my internal torment - and I pulled it out to read a message from Alice.

Just picked Charlie up from the airport. Will be there in fourteen minutes.

Snapping my phone shut, I got up to move to Bella's other side. With her mother here, I kept my distance, not wanting to over step my bounds with a parental authority that I so recently met...and especially under these circumstances.

"Charlie will be here shortly. Carlisle and Alice just picked him up from the airport," I said lightly.

It's about time. "That's good," her eyes never left Bella's face.

For over an hour before now I was struggling to come over and talk with Renée. I wanted to flush out a good story to tell her about why we were here in the first place. She got the gist of the story from the doctor about her going through a window after falling down two flights of stairs, but that was all.

"Mrs. Dwyer," I began.

Such a gentleman...Mrs. Dwyer. Her penetrating gaze moved from Bella's face to mine. Her eyes widened a little at my appearance. It always caught humans off guard, the little indications they didn't comprehend, no matter how many times they'd seen one of us before. She studied my face for only a brief second before she saw the grief that was displayed squarely on my face. Ignoring her senses she brought her thoughts to my expression. He really cares for her. He looks like he is going to cry.

"Renée," she corrected me.

"Yes, of course, Renée. I wanted to apologize for this whole incident," I used my smoothest voice to ease her stress, one I retained for not alarming humans.

"This isn't your fault...," she began, but her thoughts caught up to her mouth. What was he doing down here anyways? He didn't...follow her did he? He's not a stalker...is he? She tried to smile politely but even without her thoughts as a guide I could have guessed what she was currently thinking.

Her thoughts weren't far off base. I was her vampire stalker, watching her sleep every night. I continued, not wanting to think that once she recovered, this would be the end...no more stealthily hiding in her room.

"Yes, it is my fault. I really care about your daughter, so please understand that I want the best for her..."


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