Midnight Sun Page 0,236

glass doors. I could hear Bella's pulse reaching danger point as I practically pulled the car door off its hinges trying to get to her. I didn't bother opening the studio doors as I left Edward shaped holes in the glass.

The second I entered the building the most delicious smell filled my lungs and I paused for only a brief fraction of a second to take in the aroma before my eyes fell immediately upon the monster hovering over Bella. It was a scene of total devastation - glass was strewn across the floor and blood glittered in the sunlight coming from the windows. My eyes were solely focused on Bella, though. Her limp body lay unmoving and broken - bleeding. My worst fears had come to life. My view was suddenly obliterated by anger as I dived into James, sending him flying across the studio. He began snapping at me but I held him up around the throat, tightening my grip.

Behind me I heard Bella gasping and groaning in agony. James struggled in my grip as Jasper flew up behind me, grabbing James' arm and ripping it off. I looked over my shoulder to see Emmett plummeting through the studio, his expression rapt and exultant at his new prey. I let go of James, realizing Bella needed me more. I was not oblivious to Jasper's thirst, which he kept in check as he had a different type of prey to attend to now. Carlisle was not far behind as he helped Jasper and Emmett kill the one creature I would personally like to torture for an eternity.

Alice had already rushed to Bella's side. Bella's breathing was harsh and ragged as she took several heavy panting breaths. I ran over to Bella, kneeling in a pool of blood. I didn't even bother to hold my breath, as each flame that ripped down my throat only punctuated the fact that she was still alive, her heart was still beating. My hands moved over her but I didn't know what to do as her body finally went limp.

"Oh no, Bella, no." I cried out, rubbing the blood from her eyes. Pain in dimensions that I had never felt before tore my body to pieces. I could feel the tearing of my heart - her heart. "Bella, please!" I begged for her to return to me, to just show me a sign that she was conscious. "Bella, listen to me, please, please, Bella, please!" I pleaded as heavy tearless sobs sent my body into near convulsions.

"Carlisle," I shouted behind me with a bite of impatience. I turned back to Bella who was lying aslant, like her body had been broken in many places. Fragments of glass were deeply imbedded into her hair. I watched as dark red and gluttonous blood flowed rapidly from her head and leg. I swallowed my venom back. "Bella, Bella, no, oh please, no, no!" Another tearless sob.

I listened as her heart began to move sluggishly, like there wasn't enough blood on her body to keep it going.

I'll try to stop the bleeding. Alice moved towards Bella's head and put pressure on her wound. The blood instantly stopped leaking from her head. There was no hesitation in Alice's thoughts - her mind had one mission, and that was to save Bella.

Bella became paler and damper than normal and her skin grew cold. I heard running footsteps behind me as Carlisle slid to the floor and began working over her immediately, putting pressure on her leg wound. Tears seeped through her eyelids before they opened wide with pain and a cry came through her lips. Her cry was like a stimulant. "Bella," I cried as relief swelled in me indescribably.

Carlisle began his inventory mentally. "She's lost some blood, but the head wound isn't deep. Watch out for her leg, it's broken."

Icy cold rage filled my body like acid and a feral growl ripped up my lips. Cuss words went flying through my mind quickly as I imagined all the ways I would like to tear James' apart, put him back together and do it again, just for fun.

Carlisle continued his inventory by feeling for other broken bones. He moved over Bella's ribs. She jerked and another sob escaped her lips, her eyes were blank, like she couldn't see clearly.

"Edward," Bella mumbled with an unearthly and beautiful sound. It was the most glorious and welcomed voice I had ever heard in my entire existence.

24. Blood

There were distant sounds of a

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