Midnight Sun Page 0,228

I turned around to face him.

"We'll both go." I turned to Carlisle. "Continue north until you reach the airport. Keep an eye out for him there - if we lose track of him I want to make sure we know where he is headed. We will keep you up to date."

He nodded. Emmett and I dashed from the Jeep and headed towards the forest where I last heard James' thoughts. When we caught up with his scent I could hear his faint hasty footsteps but he was too far away for me to hear his mind. The sun was peeking through the canopy of trees as the night sky began to slowly lighten the forest floor, bathing it in a pleasant golden glow.

Can you hear his thoughts? What are his plans? Emmett asked.

"No. He is too far away from us." I spoke quickly.

Go ahead of me and see what you can find out. Hey - don't get too close without me, Emmett chuckled. I want a piece of him too.

I rolled my eyes and darted faster than ever towards the one creature who threatened Bella's life more than I already had. I had trouble catching up to him but I was able to finally hear one thought.

She's still in Forks.

I slowed some to let Emmett catch up with me. "I think he's going to head back to Forks...but I don't understand - he isn't running that direction. He keeps running north and not in a straight path. I think he's trying to get us off his trail." I explained to Emmett.

Maybe we could split up and try to trap him, he suggested.

"That might be what he wants. Let's just keep together for now."

You're just afraid I'll catch up to him before you and will miss the opportunity to kill him, Emmett was plainly trying not to laugh.

I sighed loudly at his thoughts, though he was partially correct - I did want to personally rip him to shreds. I could see the dim city lights of Vancouver begin to get closer to us. As the sun rose the windows on the large buildings began to shimmer and reflect onto the large city. I hadn't heard any thoughts or any noise from James for several miles. I only continued to follow his scent.

When we reached the forest edge we stood in the shadows looking out at the partially sunny grounds. Emmett's eyes glowed a honey color in the dazzling sunlight.

It's too sunny. Emmett looked up like he was willing the clouds to form. As soon as he thought the words a long cloud loomed into view, moving closer to the sun until a shadow hung over us and the city below turned grey and dark. "Let's go," I commanded with a bite of impatience in my voice.

We continued to follow his scent as we made our way across town until it ended abruptly at a car rental store. "Crap," we both said together. I grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed Carlisle's number.

"Edward," he answered.

"Carlisle, James has rented a car and I need to get something out of my bag to try and find out where he went. We are at sixteen ninety-six west, first Avenue. Hurry!" I said quickly.

"I'm on my way," he hung up the phone.

In a few short minutes Carlisle was speeding around the corner and came to a shuddering halt in front of us. I opened the back door and pulled my bag out, opening it to reveal my many ID's. Inside I had a Royal Canadian Mounted Police badge that our family previously used to protect ourselves. I snatched it up and swept over the threshold of the car rental store. The girl behind the desk was startled at my appearance.

"Can I help you?" she stuttered while scrutinizing my face.

I flashed my badge. "Yes. I'm with the RCMP. Ma'am, there was a man in here today that is ye tall," I put my hand to James' height, "and has long light brown hair. He would have rented a car from you today. I need to know the make and model and where he was headed. He is a murderer and we have only recently caught on to his trail."

A murderer! "Yes, sure...there was only one man in here this morning to rent a car. Let me print out the information." She began typing on the keyboard and clicking her mouse.

I could have been killed, she thought frantically as she searched for the information I

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