Midnight Sun Page 0,225

over and attack. I controlled my urge and continued. "But if I had stood by, he would have killed you right then," I said, frustrated.

"I thought...I didn't smell the same to the others...as I do to you," she said hesitantly.

"You don't. But that doesn't mean that you aren't still a temptation to every one of them. If you had appealed to the tracker - or any of them - the same way you appeal to me, it would have meant a fight right there."

I felt her quiver.

"I don't think I have any choice but to kill him now," I muttered. "Carlisle won't like it."

"How can you kill a vampire?" she asked through her petrified sobs.

Glad I'm not the one to tell her this one, Emmett chuckled and I ignored him.

My focus was solely on Bella. Her gaze met mine and I could see the darkness of my face and eyes as I spoke. "The only way to be sure is to tear him to shreds, and then burn the pieces."

"And the other two will fight with him?"

Always so full of questions, isn't she? Alice mused.

"The woman will. I'm not sure about Laurent. They don't have a very strong bond - he's only with them for convenience. He was embarrassed by James in the meadow..."

"But James and the woman - they'll try to kill you?" she choked.

You silly girl! You are the fragile one, the breakable one - the one that is being hunted, I internally replied. "Bella, don't you dare waste time worrying about me. Your only concern is keeping yourself safe and - please, please - trying not to be reckless." I pleaded.

"Is he still following?" she asked.

Yes, he's keeping his distance; he's pretty keen not to be seen. He won't come after Bella tonight, Alice informed me.

"Yes. He won't attack the house, though. Not tonight." I replied while turning onto my driveway.

After the several mile drive to the house we could finally see the distant lights of the house becoming larger and clearer. I could immediately hear the thoughts of Laurent.

I can't believe they live like this - Amazing! I can't understand why they are planning on ruining all of this for a human. Laurent thought in astonishment.

He's at the forest edge, I'll grab Bella. Emmett thought while jumping out of the truck and running alongside it. When we were coming to a stop he opened the door and pulled Bella under his coat and ran her towards the house and through the front door, Alice and I at their side. Relief flowed through my veins now that she was inside, protected. Everyone stood at our arrival.

I can't believe this crap, Rosalie was muttering.

Oh thank heavens they are all right, Esme and Carlisle both thought, relieved.

Laurent stood in the mist of my family members, his eyes a gleaming ominous red, making the difference between us and them stand out.

What the hell is he doing in our house? I might get that fight after all, a feral snarl ripped up Emmett's throat, low and vibrating. He sat Bella down next to him, preparing to pounce.

"He's tracking us," I stared coldly at Laurent.

"I was afraid of that," Laurent frowned.

I could hear James as he began thinking strategy in his mind, he was going to meet up with Victoria who was already waiting for him a short distance from the house.

"What will he do?" Carlisle asked Laurent in chilling tones.

"I'm sorry," Laurent began. "I was afraid, when your boy there defended her, that it would set him off."

Same old games, Laurent thought angrily in his head.

"Can you stop him?" Carlisle questioned.

I'll stop him, Emmett roared internally.

"Nothing stops James when he gets started." Laurent answered while shaking his head in frustration.

"We'll stop him," Emmett promised him.

"You can't bring him down. I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years. He's absolutely lethal. That's why I joined his coven." Laurent said doubtfully. His head began to shake back and forth again, this time in confusion. Why her? What is so special about this human girl that would make them want to provoke such a vicious hunter? He stole a look at Bella, and then turned back to Carlisle, perplexed by the situation. "Are you sure it's worth it?"

A growl formed in my stomach and ripped up my throat so loudly that it had him cringing away from me in fear.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to make a choice." Carlisle said gravely.

This is one hell of a life style to live

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