Midnight Sun Page 0,193

and finally to the house.

"Wow." She exclaimed.

I smiled, "You like it?"

"It...has a certain charm." She replied.

Bella's here! Alice bellowed from her mind. I ignored her.

I reached out and pulled the end of her ponytail lightly. What a human gesture, I mused to myself. I chuckled lightly. I parked her truck and was out of the driver's side door and outside her door opening it before she realized I was gone. She didn't even blink at the fast movement, she expected it.

"Ready?" I asked her.

"Not even a little bit - let's go" she attempted a laugh. It sounded more like choking. She was patting her hair, a nervous gesture.

"You look lovely," I reassured her.

I took her hand in mine, leading her up the porch. She was tense. I began caressing her hand with my thumb, trying to soothe her.

"Carlisle, they are on the porch," Esme called.

I opened the door to the house for Bella; she stepped in, still tense. I found it odd that Alice wasn't waiting at the door. I watched as Bella's eyes searched the house, looking for something suspect, I assumed. Her eyes darted from the far wall, which was made of only glass, to the piano and then to the staircase where Esme and Carlisle were waiting for us. They were grinning at her, but didn't approach.

She is lovely! Esme thought.

Then the scent hit her, I can see her initial appeal, she does smell wonderful...don't worry Edward, I'd never hurt her. Esme's thoughts continued.

Welcome home, Edward. Carlisle thought.

"Carlisle, Esme, this is Bella." I introduced them.

"You're very welcome, Bella," Carlisle stepped closer.

She isn't...scared is she? Carlisle wondered.

I shook my head in a motion that Bella wouldn't have noticed. Each step Carlisle took was slow, careful, and cautious. He raised his hand to shake Bella's. She stepped forward without hesitating and shook his hand, "It's nice to see you again, Dr. Cullen."

"Please, call me Carlisle."

"Carlisle," Bella grinned.

I was relieved that this initial meeting was over with, and I was sure Bella could read my body language.

Is she even nervous? Esme wondered, looking in my direction. I shook my head behind Bella.

Oh...I knew she was meant for you, and so maybe she is meant for our life too, Edward. Esme thought.

I banished the idea from my head immediately. I couldn't let myself...hope...to take her life.

Esme stepped forward, feeling elated about this meeting, and reached her hand to shake Bella's also. Bella took her hand like she was meeting a normal human.

"It's very nice to know you," Esme said sincerely.

"Thank you. I'm glad to meet you, too." Bella truly looked happy.

During these first meetings with my vampire parents Bella's pulse didn't speed up once. She was brave. Alice was still a no show. I searched for her thoughts and found them.

No, that color doesn't look right...yes, blue, Edward loves it when Bella wears blue. That's it, this dress will look spectacular on her!

"Where is Alice and Jasper?" I called out to them.

They both appeared at the top of the stairs in that second.

"Hey, Edward!" Alice called enthusiastically.

This is what I've been waiting for. Alice dived down the stairs and was abruptly in front of Bella.

I wanted to shout at her for doing this, but I decided that saying something in front of Bella was not a wise idea. She was taking everything so well, no need to scare her now. I knew Alice wouldn't hurt Bella, she loved her, too. Esme and Carlisle were giving her a reproving look.

"Hi, Bella!" Alice literally bounced forward and kissed her cheek.

I saw Esme grab Carlisle by the arm, like she was holding herself back.

Oh my! Esme thought.

I felt the temptation of Bella's seductive scent through Alice's thoughts. I was immediately tense.

Pipe down! She hissed in her head at me.

"You do smell nice, I never noticed before," Alice mused.

Blood began flooding up Bella's face as she blushed a light pink. I was anxious again when I realized the scent had finally reached Jasper.

Jasper quickly stopped the flow of air going into his lungs, refusing to take in anymore of her scent. The twin thirsts I felt whenever I was around Jasper were quieted. I felt relieved. He could still taste the curiosity and flavor of Bella from everyone's emotions.

I still don't see why you have such a fixation. Jasper thought.

He automatically emitted a flood of peace and calm. It swirled around her and she mirrored his emotions back. My eyebrow raised on its own. What was he doing?

"Hello Bella," Jasper said, using part of his

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