Midnight Sun Page 0,148

Emmett shouted while running full force toward Jasper like a train going full speed.


Emmett laid on the ground, giving up.

Jasper chuckled.

I threw them a quick smile over my shoulder before entering the house.

"I bet he won't bring her back," Jasper said to Emmett, knowing I could still hear.

I grimaced.

"What's on the table?" Emmett chuckled.

"I won't use my abilities during our next three football games," Jasper said, grinning.

"Yeah, no more warm fuzzy feelings about how precious the pig skin football is!" Emmett agreed.

"And if you lose, Emmett?" Jasper continued.

"I won't say another word about that incident in Alaska...you remember, don't you?" Emmett retorted with a smile in his voice.

"You're on!" Jasper exclaimed.

This was apparently the second bet Jasper had made today, though I never understood why he would bet against Alice. I continued to be in better spirits regardless of the banter between Emmett and Jasper and no doubt it was due to the exceptionally delicate girl, Bella. I saw Alice and Rosalie working on their fashion line when I walked inside and they both looked up. Rosalie was finally starting to rein in most of her frustrations.

Alice flitted toward me. Can I meet Bella now? Please! I just found the perfect dress for her to wear. Seriously, have you seen the girl's wardrobe? She needs help!

Alice's vision of Bella and her, arms around each other's waist, once more flickered in her mind. There was something new there, though, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Alice, please, not now," I pleaded.

Her bottom lip puckered out and she frowned.

"I'm sorry, Alice. I just don't think I am ready." Or I'm not willing to share her when I just so recently obtained her, I thought dubiously.

It will happen, Edward. I love her and you can't keep her to yourself forever!Alice's lower lip was still protruding.

She marched away from me and began working with Rosalie again.

Pig,Rosalie snapped. At least her thoughts were becoming less insulting.

When I entered my room I placed a classical CD in the player, trying to drive my thoughts away from the brown-eyed girl that was always at the forefront of my mind. Instead of listening to the intricate workings of the master piece I was listening to all I could think about is how Bella's heart sounded strangely like the melody flowing from the violin in the background, or how her voice sounded like some musical ballad that no instrument would ever be able to duplicate. Or how the rhythm of her pulse was perfectly harmonious with her very soul.

An hour had elapsed and no matter how relentlessly I tried, all I could imagine was her magnificent bouquet, her blushing cheeks or her continuous, melody like heart pumping her soul with life. I was in dispute with myself about going to see her. Each grueling minute was passing at a snail's pace as I sat on my couch, yearning to be close to her. It wasn't long before I lost my internal argument, though; I sprang out my window and proceeded in the direction of Bella's.

There he goes again, Emmett saw me through the window.

When I arrived outside her house, Billy and Jacob Black were still there. I began searching their thoughts, hoping I hadn't missed something important. Jacob's thoughts were very irritating. He couldn't keep his eyes off Bella but his thoughts were not like Mike's; he put Bella on a pedestal in his mind and respected her. Regardless, I was still not happy about the way he fantasized her.

The Blacks were about to depart and I was able to listen in on them with no difficulty, easily probing their minds for information, secretly unlocking more of Bella's thoughts by spying on her. Here I was, being the vampire stalker again, like a falcon searching for prey.

"Are you and your friends coming back to the beach soon?" Jacob asked, excited. I really hope so...I think Bella likes me. Man, she is so good-looking!

"I'm not sure," Bella sidestepped Jacob's question.

Dang, I hope she comes to the reservation soon. I had a good time with her last time she was there. I think she likes me, too. She was flirting with me... I think.Jacob was picturing them strolling on the beach together.

I clenched my teeth tight enough to cut steel, I was so annoyed. Yes, I was undeniably aggravated.

Abruptly my mood was lightened when I saw how Bella was trying to flirt with Jacob in his memory. I suddenly couldn't suppress a laugh that came through my still clenched

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