Midnight Sun Page 0,146

She used her hands to describe things. It was like I unlocked her voice box. Her thoughts were finally being freed from her mind.

When she was done answering I already had another question in mind. I asked her what her room was like and she began telling me about it in detail. Of course I already knew exactly what it looked like; dotted with shoes, tangles of covers on her bed, closet lacking jumbles of clothes, piles of books and an old computer that at first glance you wouldn't think would work. I couldn't help myself. I had to be near her and asking the inconsequential seemed to be the best way. I felt so alone without her around.

When did she become my life? How did she become my life?

"Are you finished?" she asked with relief in her voice when I didn't spit out another query.

Finished? "Not even close - your father will be home soon." It was more of a reminder for me, not for her.

She looked out the window quickly like she was wondering where the sun went.

"How late is it?" she asked, a little panic in her voice.

She glanced at the clock and surprise crossed her face.

"It's twilight," I answered.

I looked out the windshield and realized another day was over.

"It's the safest time of day for us. The easiest time. But also the saddest, in a way... the end of another day, the return of the night. Darkness is so predictable, don't you think?" I grinned at her, trying to remind myself to keep it light.

"I like the night" she announced. "Without the dark we would never see the stars," she frowned and looked out the window. "Not that you see them here much," she finished sarcastically.

Her tone caught me off guard and I laughed.

Crap, her father. I heard Charlie a few streets away.

"Charlie will be here in a few minutes. So, unless you want to tell him you will be with me Saturday..." I raised an eyebrow teasingly.

I wanted her to tell him because it would give me a reason to bring her back. It would keep my new desires in check...my thirst, my ever growing need to kidnap her and never bring her home again.

"Thanks but no thanks," she replied airily. There she went again, embracing danger.

She began gathering her books, looking a little uncomfortable. Did I say something wrong? Was it the look on my face?She turned and looked at me.

"So, is it my turn tomorrow, then?" she asked.

She still wanted to see me tomorrow! I rejoiced.

"Certainly not!" I said in mock rage.

It felt so good to be light and teasing around her. She made my skin sing.

"What more is there?" she said, perplexed.

There was everything more. I wanted to know everything about this girl, every detail of her life.

"You'll find out tomorrow." I teased.

I reached across her - before thinking about it - to open her door. Her warmth washed over me and it took every bit of my brain to concentrate on not leaning over and letting my desires take control. I heard her heart start to beat rapidly. It skipped a few beats and I felt her breath on me. I ached...I yearned for her.

No mistakes!

How much could I take before I did something I regretted?

A thought startled me back into reality.

I hope Charlie is home. I'm ready to watch the game. It sure has been a while since I've seen him, hope he's not still mad at me.

I froze with my hand on the door handle.

"Not good," I muttered.

I clenched my teeth together; it was Billy Black.

"What is it?" She stared at me trying to read my face.

Well, I knew I was going to have to let her out of the car eventually, but not while the Blacks were here. I wanted to take her and run. What other kind of stories could they fill her mind with?

"Another complication." I said glumly.

I grabbed the door handle and pushed it open. The air outside blew swiftly into the car and brought her scent with it. I was instantly ravenous and moved quickly away from her, trying to shove the monster back in my chest with the movement.

Stay Bella I wanted to beg but she really did need to just leave me alone. I knew I wouldn't let her leave me alone though, not after discovering that she was the most astounding creature I had ever known. I suppressed a sigh as the Blacks headlights flashed across her gorgeous face.

"Charlie's around the

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