Midnight Sun Page 0,132

of the car and shutting the door behind herself. Did she feel the potential for disaster as clearly as I did?

"Um... I'm sure I felt the electricity... and noticed that you don't want to touch me," Bella sighed, "I'm probably just following your lead."

Did it hurt her to leave, as it hurt me to let her go? The only solace was that I would see her soon. Sooner than she would see me. I smiled at that, then rolled the window down and leaned across to speak to her one more time - it was safer now, with the heat of her body outside the car.

She turned to see what I wanted, curious.

Still curious, though she'd asked me so many questions today.

"Oh there're so many more questions I have for you," Bella said.

My own curiosity was entirely unsatisfied; answering her questions today had only revealed my secrets -

"It looks like he's thinking the same thing," Jacob chuckled.

I'd gotten little from her but my own conjectures. That wasn't fair.

"Oh, Bella?"


"Tomorrow it's my turn."

Her forehead puckered. "Your turn to what?"

"Ask the questions." Tomorrow, when we were in a safer place, surrounded by witnesses, I would get my own answers. I grinned at the thought, and then I turned away because she made no move to leave. Even with her outside of the car, the echo of the electricity zinged in the air. I wanted to get out, too, to walk her to her door as an excuse to stay beside her...

No more mistakes. I hit the gas, and then sighed as she disappeared behind me. It seemed like I was always running toward Bella or running away from her, never staying in place. I would have to find some way to hold my ground if we were ever going to have any peace.

"Well, that's most definitely true," Bella said. "I wonder what he's going to ask me."

"Well, it looks like you're going to have to wait a long time to figure out," Jacob said putting the book down.

"Why?" Bella said looking at the clock, it was nine. "We still have some time."

"That's not why," Jacob chuckled. "It's because that was the end of the book."

"What?" Bella said. "That can't be the end... there so much more... I don't know what happens!"

"Sorry, Bells, that's it," Jacob shrugged.

"Is there at note or anything like that?" Bella asked, picking up the book and noticing a small note and read:

I'm sorry that this was all that I could give you, but this was all I could write before you got to school. But there is no need to worry; your story goes on for a long time after this.

Bella frowned as she read this, how could this person end the book here but promise that there is a lot more for her to find out? "Who is this SM person?"

"Um... I'm not sure, but it's the person that left me the note in the first place," Jacob said.

"Yeah, I figured," Bella rolled her eyes.

"So... um... what do we do now?" Jacob asked.

"I'm not sure," Bella said.

"But you're planning on meeting this Edward guy for real, aren't you," Jacob said.

"Of course," Bella looked at him suspiciously. He had promised at one time that he wouldn't let that happen. She hoped he had changed his mind because there was no way she would allow that.

"And how do you plan on meeting him at first?" Jacob questioned.

"Um..." Bella said, she didn't think of that but he was right... the first meeting really was something that she had to think about... Edward was, after all going to be deathly attracted to her. "I suppose we'll just have to think of something."

13. Knowledge

I weaved my way down my driveway while imagining all the ways I could bring myself closer to Bella. Just to lightly touch her hair, to hold her close to me like I did so carelessly after the accident, or to bring her warm lips to mine...I trailed off in thought as the fantasy went visual.

Enough, I ordered, though I was aching to feel the warmth of her rich skin. Enough.

When I reached the end of the drive I knew what to expect, though, the insults that continued at maximum capacity fissured my nerves.

Idiot! Jackass! Lunatic! I really hope you are happy! If I have to move again..., Rosalie was seething belligerence. The vivid image she thrust on my mind was my Vanquish being catastrophically driven off a ravine.

I sighed and shook my head trying to dispel

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