Midnight Sun Page 0,111

she was taking to the beach this weekend - anticipating their excitement with an almost maternal pleasure. She cared for them often, but was not resentful of this fact... It was very sweet.

Bella smiled, she was definitely going to have to make friends with this girl.

"Well, it looks like you're not so unique after all," Jacob said. "There are other humans out there that aren't selfish."

"I never thought I was unique," Bella shrugged.

But not really helpful to me.

There had to be something she wanted. I would just have to keep looking. But later. It was time for Bella's trig class with Jessica.

Bella grimaced and the annoyance was back in her voice now.

I wasn't watching where I was going as I made my way to English. Jessica was already in her seat, both her feet tapping impatiently against the floor as she waited for Bella to arrive.

Conversely, once I settled into my assigned seat in the classroom, I became utterly still. I had to remind myself to fidget now and then. To keep up the charade. It was difficult, my thoughts were so focused on Jessica's. I hoped she would pay attention, really try to read Bella's face for me.

Jessica's tapping intensified when Bella walked into the room.

She looks...glum. Why? Maybe there's nothing going on with Edward Cullen.

"That's not it," Jacob said chuckling. "I bet you're glum because you have to talk to her..."

"And I know that Edward will be listening," Bella added, her voice was even more annoyed than it was before."

That would be a disappointment. Except...then he's still available... If he's suddenly interested in dating, I don't mind helping out with that...

Bella had hissed the last words out and Jacob chuckled harder than ever.

Bella's face didn't look glum, it looked reluctant. She was worried - she knew I would hear all of this. I smiled to myself.

"Tell me everything!" Jess demanded while Bella was still removing her jacket to hang it on the back of her seat. She was moving with deliberation, unwilling.

Ugh, she's so slow. Let's get to the juicy stuff!

"What do you want to know?" Bella stalled as she took her seat.

Jacob groaned and chuckled at this. "You're not going to make this easy on her are you?"

"No," Bella shook her head.

"What happened last night?"

"He bought me dinner, and then he drove me home."

The chuckling got louder now. "You really are going to annoy her... and Edward, too, of course."

And then? C'mon, there has to be more than that! She's lying anyway, I know that. I'm going to call her on it.

"How did you get home so fast?"

I watched Bella roll her eyes at the suspicious Jessica.

"He drives like a maniac. It was terrifying."

This time both Jacob and Bella were chuckling.

She smiled a tiny smile, and I laughed out loud, interrupting Mr. Mason's announcements. I tried to turn the laugh into a cough, but no one was fooled. Mr. Mason shot me an irritated look, but I didn't even bother to listen to the thought behind it. I was hearing Jessica.

Huh. She sounds like she's telling the truth. Why is she making me pull this out of her, word by word? I would be bragging at the top of my lungs if it were me.

"That's not Bella's style," Jacob shrugged.

"Was it like a date - did you tell him to meet you there?"

Jessica watched surprise cross Bella's expression, and was disappointed at how genuine it seemed.

"Well there's one good thing about having an open face," Jacob said and laughed when Bella stuck her tongue out at him.

"No - I was very surprised to see him there," Bella told her.

What is going on? "But he picked you up for school today?" There has to be more to the story.

"Yes - that was a surprise, too. He noticed I didn't have a jacket last night."

That's not very much fun, Jessica thought, disappointed again.

"Ah... poor Jessie not getting anything fun out of you," Jacob laughed.

I was tired of her line of questioning - I wanted to hear something I didn't already know. I hoped she wasn't so dissatisfied that she would skip the questions I was waiting for.

"So are you going out again?" Jessica demanded.

"He offered to drive me to Seattle Saturday because he thinks my truck isn't up to it - does that count?"

Hmm. He sure is going out of his way to...well, take care of her, sort of. There must be something there on his side, if not on hers. How could THAT be? Bella's crazy.

"Why does everyone

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