Midnight Pleasures - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,34

like a long black shadow around the edge of the valley, and everywhere it touched, thorns sprang in its wake. A dull roar filled the air, as if the very earth cried out in pain.

"I am Darkfest," he shouted, "master of fire and tide. Thou wicked dragon, I summon thee to my side!"

There was a mighty beating of wings, a blast of furnace heat, and Blackencrill descended to stand beside him.

Darkfest glared at the beast. "Foul dragon, you will take us from this place now, or your flesh will rot from your bones."

The dragon snorted, an oddly delicate sound coming from so large a creature. "I but promised I would not harm you," he said. "In return for your kindness, I warned you to leave the valley before the sun's rising." He glanced at the sky. "I fear you did not listen."

Channa Leigh stirred in his arms. "My lord?"

"All is well, beloved," Darkfest said. "Fear not. The dragon will see us to safety."

"Very well," Blackencrill said. "Hurry."

Darkfest settled Channa Leigh on the dragon's back. "Wait," he said, and lifting his hands, he summoned his power once more. "I am Darkfest, master of fire and ice. Horses and mule now become mice."

A rush of power flowed from his hands and a trio of mice stood where his and Channa Leigh's mounts and the mule had been. Gathering the creatures up, he dropped them into his pocket. Climbing onto the dragon's back, he put his arms around Channa Leigh and held her close. "Away, dragon!"

With a powerful thrumming of his wings, the dragon soared above the valley. Looking down, Darkfest saw that the valley was now surrounded by a tall hedge of briers and thorns. He could only wonder what might have awaited them if they had remained.

"Thy blood, dragon, why did it not work?"

Blackencrill shook his head. "You are the wizard, not I." And so saying, he landed in a broad meadow. "Perhaps you sought the wrong dragon. Be off now and begone. I want no more of your magic."
Part One CHAPTER 13
The trip home was uneventful. Channa Leigh hid her disappointment well, but Darkfest could not shake off the sense of failure. It weighed like a millstone round his neck. Why had he failed?

The question plagued him long after they returned home. Even Channa Leigh's sweet voice could not ease his troubled mind.

Late one night as he wandered through the castle, he found himself standing in front of the painting of his parents. His gaze settled on his father's face. The Dragon Lord of Darkfest Castle.

Darkfest swore a short, pithy oath, then turned and went to his chamber. He worked all through the night, and as dawn rose in the sky, he held up a small vial of ruby-colored liquid. It held three drops of his own blood and the ashes of four of the wolf's hairs mixed with the juice of wild berries to make it palatable. He stared at the vial a long moment, wondering if he had at last discovered the secret to restore Channa Leigh's sight

Unable to wait a moment longer, he ran up the stairs to her bedchamber and rushed inside.

Kneeling beside her bed, he shook her shoulder lightly. "Channa Leigh! Wake up, lass."

She woke with a start. "Is something wrong, my lord?"

"Drink this." He thrust the vial into her hand. "Quickly now."

"What is it?"


Compelled by the tone of his voice, she downed the contents in a single swallow, gasping as the fiery liquid burned its way down her throat.

He watched her carefully, his heart pounding with excitement and trepidation.

And then, slowly, she turned to face him. "My lord," she breathed, and there was a wealth of wonder in her voice. "Truly thou art the most handsome of men."

"Channa Leigh!"

"I can see you." A smile as bright as summer sun curved her lips and lit her eyes. "I can see you!"

With a glad cry, he drew her into his arms, their tears mingling as he held her close.

"But how?" she asked. "How did you do it?"

"The dragon's blood," he replied with a rueful grin.

"What dragon? Not Blackencrill?"

"No. This dragon," he said, thumping himself on the chest

"You, my lord?"

"Aye. My father was known as the Dragon Lord of Darkfest Castle. I dinna know why I did not recall that sooner. For some reason I canna understand, there is magic in the wolf's hair, so I combined that with my blood. The dragon's blood." He frowned, wondering if his human hair would have worked as well.

"And will

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