Midnight Pleasures - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,32

thy blood."

"And what will you give me in return?"

"I will remove that sword from thy flesh and heal thy wound."

"Who is the woman that awaits thee?"

"My betrothed."

"And if I want the woman?"

"Ye cannot have her. She is mine."

"What need have you of my blood?"

"It is to restore her sight."

"You intrigue me, wizard of the north. Come closer."

"Do I look a fool?"

"You fear me?"

Darkfest let his gaze wander slowly over the charred skeletons scattered on the valley floor. "Aye."

"I give you my word you may enter my valley in safety."

"And my woman?"

"And the woman."

"Did these others also have thy word?"

"They did not think to ask."

"And when we wish to leave?"

A low rumble of laughter rocked the valley floor. "You are a wise wizard. I shall do nothing to harm you or the woman."

"Are you sure 'tis safe?" Channa Leigh asked, trepidation clear in her voice. "How do you know you can trust this dragon?"

" 'Tis a chance we'll have to take."

She lifted her head as they rode across the charred valley floor. "I smell... death."

"Aye, lass," Darkfest replied, and for once he was glad she could not see the destruction that surrounded them. What he had seen at a distance was far worse seen up close. Skulls leered at him, their mouths open in screams of terror.

The dragon awaited them, an enormous beast with thick scales and feet armed with claws as long as battle lances. His eyes were large and black, and watched, unblinking, as they approached.

Dismounting, Darkfest lifted Channa Leigh from the saddle. He could feel her trembling.

"My woman is weary from the journey."

The dragon nodded in the direction of the castle. "You may refresh yourselves inside."

With a nod, Darkfest led Channa Leigh into the castle. It was bigger than any dwelling he had ever seen, with ceilings a hundred feet high. The floors were made of translucent crystal, the walls of jade. The hearth was large enough to roast a dozen oxen at one time. The furniture was of gigantic proportions.

The first door off the main hall was a bedchamber. A wave of his hand brought a fire to life in the hearth. He settled Channa Leigh in a chair, removed her shoes.

He found a ewer filled with water, as well as a bar of fragrant soap and a bit of toweling. He warmed the water in the ewer with a glance.

"There is water to bathe with," he told her. "Have ye need of anything else?"

"Nay, my lord."

"I will return as soon as I can."

"You will be careful!"

"Aye, lass."

"I dinna trust that dragon."

"Nor I." Placing his hands on her shoulders, he drew her up against him. "I will not be long," he promised, and kissed her gently.

Her arms went round his neck and she pressed herself to him. "Hurry back to me, my lord."

With a nod, he kissed her again. Then, taking a cup he found next to the bed, he went out to gather the dragon's blood.

"The castle is to your liking?" the dragon asked as Darkfest emerged.

"Aye. Who dwells there?"

"Only the memory of the creature who once tried to enslave me."

"What happened to him?"

The dragon flashed a smile amid a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth. "What think you?"

"I think I would rather not know." He looked up, his gaze meeting that of Blackencrill. "Will ye now keep your word?"

"Think you I would not?"

"I think I would not like to meet the fate of the giant."

A low chuckle stirred the air above Darkfest's head. "Indeed, you would not." The dragon lowered his head, putting the hilt of the sword within Darkfest's reach. "Pull it out."

Darkfest wiped his hands on his trousers. The sword had obviously been embedded in the dragon's flesh for some time. The skin around the blade was black and putrid, the smell overwhelming.

" 'Tis likely to hurt."

"Do you think it doesn't hurt now?" the dragon roared. "Remove it!"

Wrapping both hands around the hilt of the sword, Darkfest gave a mighty tug. The blade tore free with a sickly wet sound. Blood oozed from the wound. It sizzled on the ground; the grass withered and died wherever it touched.

A drop landed on Darkfest's cheek and he howled with pain as it seared his flesh. He glared up at the dragon. "Ye might have warned me!" he exclaimed, tossing the sword aside. "How is she to drink this vile stuff?"

"You are the wizard."

"Aye. Be still now." Closing his eyes, Darkfest gathered his power. It grew within him, refining his senses, racing like quicksilver through his veins, dancing

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